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Merge pull request #27 from fizruk/generic-zip-match
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Generic ZipMatch instances
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fizruk authored Oct 23, 2024
2 parents ba26d91 + 540b7a7 commit 2c33dd2
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Showing 10 changed files with 320 additions and 12 deletions.
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion haskell/free-foil/free-foil.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
cabal-version: 1.12

-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.36.0.
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.37.0.
-- see:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ library
Expand All @@ -56,6 +57,7 @@ library
, bifunctors
, containers
, deepseq
, kind-generics >=0.5.0
, template-haskell >=
, text >=
default-language: Haskell2010
Expand All @@ -75,6 +77,7 @@ test-suite doctests
, deepseq
, doctest-parallel
, free-foil
, kind-generics >=0.5.0
, template-haskell >=
, text >=
default-language: Haskell2010
Expand All @@ -94,6 +97,7 @@ test-suite spec
, containers
, deepseq
, free-foil
, kind-generics >=0.5.0
, template-haskell >=
, text >=
default-language: Haskell2010
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions haskell/free-foil/package.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ dependencies:
template-haskell: ">="
kind-generics: ">= 0.5.0"

- -Wall
Expand Down
196 changes: 196 additions & 0 deletions haskell/free-foil/src/Control/Monad/Free/Foil/Generic.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-methods #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Control.Monad.Free.Foil.Generic where

import Data.Kind (Constraint, Type)
import Generics.Kind
import Generics.Kind.Examples ()
import GHC.TypeError

type ZipLoT :: LoT k -> LoT k -> LoT k
type family ZipLoT as bs where
ZipLoT LoT0 LoT0 = LoT0
ZipLoT (a :&&: as) (b :&&: bs) = ((a, b) :&&: ZipLoT as bs)

type Mappings :: LoT k -> LoT k -> LoT k -> Type
data Mappings (as :: LoT k) (bs :: LoT k) (cs :: LoT k) where
M0 :: Mappings LoT0 LoT0 LoT0
(:^:) :: (a -> b -> Maybe c) -> Mappings as bs cs -> Mappings (a :&&: as) (b :&&: bs) (c :&&: cs)

class PairMappings (as :: LoT k) (bs :: LoT k) where
pairMappings :: Mappings as bs (ZipLoT as bs)

instance PairMappings LoT0 LoT0 where
pairMappings = M0

instance PairMappings as bs => PairMappings ((a :: Type) :&&: as) ((b :: Type) :&&: bs) where
pairMappings = (\x y -> Just (x, y)) :^: pairMappings

class ApplyMappings (v :: TyVar d Type) where
applyMappings :: forall (as :: LoT d) (bs :: LoT d) (cs :: LoT d).
Mappings as bs cs -> Interpret (Var v) as -> Interpret (Var v) bs -> Maybe (Interpret (Var v) cs)

instance ApplyMappings (VZ :: TyVar (Type -> tys) Type) where
applyMappings (f :^: _) x y = f x y

instance ApplyMappings v => ApplyMappings (VS v :: TyVar (ty -> tys) Type) where
applyMappings (_ :^: fs) x y = applyMappings @_ @v fs x y

genericZipMatchK :: forall f as bs.
(GenericK f, GZipMatch (RepK f), ReqsZipMatch (RepK f) as bs, PairMappings as bs)
=> f :@@: as -> f :@@: bs -> Maybe (f :@@: (ZipLoT as bs))
genericZipMatchK = genericZipMatchWithK @f @as @bs pairMappings

genericZipMatchWithK :: forall f as bs cs.
(GenericK f, GZipMatch (RepK f), ReqsZipMatchWith (RepK f) as bs cs)
=> Mappings as bs cs -> f :@@: as -> f :@@: bs -> Maybe (f :@@: cs)
genericZipMatchWithK mappings x y = toK @_ @f @cs <$> gzipMatchWith mappings
(fromK @_ @f @as x)
(fromK @_ @f @bs y)

:: forall sig scope scope' term term'.
(GenericK sig, GZipMatch (RepK sig), ReqsZipMatch (RepK sig) (scope :&&: term :&&: 'LoT0) (scope' :&&: term' :&&: 'LoT0))
=> sig scope term -> sig scope' term' -> Maybe (sig (scope, scope') (term, term'))
genericZipMatch2 = genericZipMatchK @sig @(scope :&&: term :&&: 'LoT0) @(scope' :&&: term' :&&: 'LoT0)

zipMatchK :: forall f as bs. (ZipMatchK f, PairMappings as bs) => f :@@: as -> f :@@: bs -> Maybe (f :@@: ZipLoT as bs)
zipMatchK = zipMatchWithK @_ @f @as @bs pairMappings

class ZipMatchK (f :: k) where
zipMatchWithK :: forall as bs cs. Mappings as bs cs -> f :@@: as -> f :@@: bs -> Maybe (f :@@: cs)
default zipMatchWithK :: forall as bs cs.
(GenericK f, GZipMatch (RepK f), ReqsZipMatchWith (RepK f) as bs cs)
=> Mappings as bs cs -> f :@@: as -> f :@@: bs -> Maybe (f :@@: cs)
zipMatchWithK = genericZipMatchWithK @f @as @bs @cs

zipMatchViaEq :: Eq a => Mappings as bs cs -> a -> a -> Maybe a
zipMatchViaEq _ x y
| x == y = Just x
| otherwise = Nothing

zipMatchViaChooseLeft :: Mappings as bs cs -> a -> a -> Maybe a
zipMatchViaChooseLeft _ x _ = Just x

-- instance ZipMatchK (,) -- missing GenericK instance upstream
instance ZipMatchK []
instance ZipMatchK Maybe
instance ZipMatchK Either
instance ZipMatchK a => ZipMatchK (Either a)

type ReqsZipMatch f as bs = ReqsZipMatchWith f as bs (ZipLoT as bs)
class GZipMatch (f :: LoT k -> Type) where
type ReqsZipMatchWith f (as :: LoT k) (bs :: LoT k) (cs :: LoT k) :: Constraint
gzipMatchWith :: ReqsZipMatchWith f as bs cs => Mappings as bs cs -> f as -> f bs -> Maybe (f cs)

instance GZipMatch V1 where
type ReqsZipMatchWith V1 as bs cs = ()
gzipMatchWith _ _ _ = error "impossible: Generics.Kind.V1 value!" -- FIXME: should be absurd

instance GZipMatch U1 where
type ReqsZipMatchWith U1 as bs cs = ()
gzipMatchWith _ U1 U1 = Just U1

instance GZipMatch f => GZipMatch (M1 i c f) where
type ReqsZipMatchWith (M1 i c f) as bs cs = ReqsZipMatchWith f as bs cs
gzipMatchWith g (M1 x) (M1 y) = M1 <$> gzipMatchWith g x y

instance (GZipMatch f, GZipMatch g) => GZipMatch (f :+: g) where
type ReqsZipMatchWith (f :+: g) as bs cs = (ReqsZipMatchWith f as bs cs, ReqsZipMatchWith g as bs cs)
gzipMatchWith g (L1 x) (L1 y) = L1 <$> gzipMatchWith g x y
gzipMatchWith g (R1 x) (R1 y) = R1 <$> gzipMatchWith g x y
gzipMatchWith _ _ _ = Nothing

instance (GZipMatch f, GZipMatch g) => GZipMatch (f :*: g) where
type ReqsZipMatchWith (f :*: g) as bs cs = (ReqsZipMatchWith f as bs cs, ReqsZipMatchWith g as bs cs)
gzipMatchWith g (x :*: y) (x' :*: y') =
liftA2 (:*:) (gzipMatchWith g x x') (gzipMatchWith g y y')

instance ZipMatchFields t => GZipMatch (Field t) where
type ReqsZipMatchWith (Field t) as bs cs = ReqsZipMatchFieldsWith t as bs cs
gzipMatchWith f x y = zipMatchFieldsWith f x y

instance GZipMatch f => GZipMatch (c :=>: f) where
type ReqsZipMatchWith (c :=>: f) as bs cs = (ReqsZipMatchWith f as bs cs, Interpret c cs)
-- really we want = (Interpret c as, Interpret c bs) => (ReqsZipMatch f as bs, Interpret c (ZipLoT as bs))
gzipMatchWith g (SuchThat x) (SuchThat y) = SuchThat <$> gzipMatchWith g x y

instance TypeError ('Text "Existentials are not supported")
=> GZipMatch (Exists k f) where
type ReqsZipMatchWith (Exists k f) as bs cs = TypeError ('Text "Existentials are not supported")
gzipMatchWith = undefined

class ZipMatchFields (t :: Atom d Type) where
type ReqsZipMatchFieldsWith t (as :: LoT d) (bs :: LoT d) (cs :: LoT d) :: Constraint
zipMatchFieldsWith :: ReqsZipMatchFieldsWith t as bs cs => Mappings as bs cs -> Field t as -> Field t bs -> Maybe (Field t cs)

instance ApplyMappings v => ZipMatchFields (Var v) where
-- this is always true, but GHC is not smart enough to know that, I think
type ReqsZipMatchFieldsWith (Var v) as bs cs = () -- InterpretVar v cs ~ (InterpretVar v as, InterpretVar v bs))
zipMatchFieldsWith g (Field x) (Field y) = Field <$> applyMappings @_ @v g x y

instance ZipMatchK k => ZipMatchFields (Kon k) where
type ReqsZipMatchFieldsWith (Kon k) as bs cs = ()
zipMatchFieldsWith _ (Field l) (Field r) = Field <$> zipMatchWithK @_ @k M0 l r

instance (ZipMatchFields t, ZipMatchK k) => ZipMatchFields (Kon k :@: t) where
type ReqsZipMatchFieldsWith (Kon k :@: t) as bs cs = ReqsZipMatchFieldsWith t as bs cs

zipMatchFieldsWith :: forall as bs cs. ReqsZipMatchFieldsWith (Kon k :@: t) as bs cs =>
Mappings as bs cs -> Field (Kon k :@: t) as -> Field (Kon k :@: t) bs -> Maybe (Field (Kon k :@: t) cs)
zipMatchFieldsWith g (Field l) (Field r) =
Field <$> zipMatchWithK @_ @k @(Interpret t as :&&: LoT0) @(Interpret t bs :&&: LoT0) @(Interpret t cs :&&: LoT0)
((\ll rr -> unField @t <$> zipMatchFieldsWith g (Field ll) (Field rr)) :^: M0) l r

instance (ZipMatchFields t1, ZipMatchFields t2, ZipMatchK k) => ZipMatchFields ((Kon k :@: t1) :@: t2) where
type ReqsZipMatchFieldsWith ((Kon k :@: t1) :@: t2) as bs cs = (ReqsZipMatchFieldsWith t1 as bs cs, ReqsZipMatchFieldsWith t2 as bs cs)

zipMatchFieldsWith :: forall as bs cs. ReqsZipMatchFieldsWith ((Kon k :@: t1) :@: t2) as bs cs =>
Mappings as bs cs -> Field ((Kon k :@: t1) :@: t2) as -> Field ((Kon k :@: t1) :@: t2) bs -> Maybe (Field ((Kon k :@: t1) :@: t2) cs)
zipMatchFieldsWith g (Field l) (Field r) =
Field <$> zipMatchWithK @_ @k @(Interpret t1 as :&&: Interpret t2 as :&&: LoT0) @(Interpret t1 bs :&&: Interpret t2 bs :&&: LoT0) @(Interpret t1 cs :&&: Interpret t2 cs :&&: LoT0)
((\ll rr -> unField @t1 <$> zipMatchFieldsWith g (Field ll) (Field rr))
:^: ((\ll rr -> unField @t2 <$> zipMatchFieldsWith g (Field ll) (Field rr))
:^: M0)) l r

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} TypeError ('Text "Atom :@: is not supported by ZipMatchFields is a general form") => ZipMatchFields (f :@: t) where
-- type ReqsZipMatchFieldsWith (f :@: t) as bs cs = TypeError ('Text "Atom :@: is not supported by ZipMatchFields is a general form")
zipMatchFieldsWith = undefined

instance TypeError ('Text "Atom ForAll is not supported by ZipMatchFields") => ZipMatchFields (ForAll a) where
type ReqsZipMatchFieldsWith (ForAll a) as bs cs = TypeError ('Text "Atom ForAll is not supported by ZipMatchFields")
zipMatchFieldsWith = undefined
instance TypeError ('Text "Atom :=>>: is not supported by ZipMatchFields") => ZipMatchFields (c :=>>: a) where
type ReqsZipMatchFieldsWith (c :=>>: a) as bs cs = TypeError ('Text "Atom :=>>: is not supported by ZipMatchFields")
zipMatchFieldsWith = undefined
instance TypeError ('Text "Atom Eval is not supported by ZipMatchFields") => ZipMatchFields (Eval a) where
type ReqsZipMatchFieldsWith (Eval a) as bs cs = TypeError ('Text "Atom Eval is not supported by ZipMatchFields")
zipMatchFieldsWith = undefined

-- instance ZipMatchFields (ForAll f) where
-- type ReqsZipMatchFields (ForAll f) as bs = ???
-- zipMatchFields = ???

-- instance ZipMatchFields (c :=>>: f) where
-- type ReqsZipMatchFields (c :=>>: f) as bs = ???
-- zipMatchFields = ???

-- instance ZipMatchFields (Eval f) where
-- type ReqsZipMatchFields (Eval f) as bs = ???
-- zipMatchFields = ???
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,21 +69,56 @@ mkPatternSynonym signatureType scope term = \case
Left ((b, _), (x, _)) -> ConP 'ScopedAST [] [VarP b, VarP x]
Right (x, _) -> VarP x

toPatternArgType i (_bang, VarT typeName)
toPatternArgType i (_bang, type_@(VarT typeName))
| typeName == scope =
( (mkName ("b" ++ show i), foldl AppT binderT [VarT n, VarT l])
, (mkName ("x" ++ show i), PeelConT ''AST [binderT, signatureType, VarT l]))
, (mkName ("x" ++ show i), replaceScopeTermInType l type_))
| typeName == term =
Right (mkName ("x" ++ show i), PeelConT ''AST [binderT, signatureType, VarT n])
Right (mkName ("x" ++ show i), replaceScopeTermInType l type_)
l = mkName ("l" ++ show i)
toPatternArgType i (_bang, type_)
= Right (mkName ("z" ++ show i), type_)
= Right (mkName ("z" ++ show i), replaceScopeTermInType l type_)
l = mkName ("l" ++ show i)

mkPatternName conName = mkName (dropEnd (length "Sig") (nameBase conName))
dropEnd k = reverse . drop k . reverse

collapse = \case
Left (x, y) -> [x, y]
Right x -> [x]

replaceScopeTermInType lscope = \case
VarT typeName
| typeName == scope -> PeelConT ''AST [binderT, signatureType, VarT lscope]
| typeName == term -> PeelConT ''AST [binderT, signatureType, VarT n]
ForallT bndrs ctx type_ -> ForallT bndrs ctx (replaceScopeTermInType lscope type_)
ForallVisT bndrs type_ -> ForallVisT bndrs (replaceScopeTermInType lscope type_)
AppT f x -> AppT (replaceScopeTermInType lscope f) (replaceScopeTermInType lscope x)
AppKindT f k -> AppKindT (replaceScopeTermInType lscope f) k
SigT t k -> SigT (replaceScopeTermInType lscope t) k
t@ConT{} -> t
t@VarT{} -> t
t@PromotedT{} -> t
InfixT l op r -> InfixT (replaceScopeTermInType lscope l) op (replaceScopeTermInType lscope r)
UInfixT l op r -> UInfixT (replaceScopeTermInType lscope l) op (replaceScopeTermInType lscope r)
PromotedInfixT l op r -> PromotedInfixT (replaceScopeTermInType lscope l) op (replaceScopeTermInType lscope r)
PromotedUInfixT l op r -> PromotedUInfixT (replaceScopeTermInType lscope l) op (replaceScopeTermInType lscope r)
ParensT t -> ParensT (replaceScopeTermInType lscope t)
t@TupleT{} -> t
t@UnboxedTupleT{} -> t
t@UnboxedSumT{} -> t
t@ArrowT{} -> t
t@MulArrowT{} -> t
t@EqualityT{} -> t
t@ListT{} -> t
t@PromotedTupleT{} -> t
t@PromotedNilT{} -> t
t@PromotedConsT{} -> t
t@StarT{} -> t
t@ConstraintT{} -> t
t@LitT{} -> t
t@WildCardT{} -> t
ImplicitParamT s t -> ImplicitParamT s (replaceScopeTermInType lscope t)
39 changes: 35 additions & 4 deletions haskell/free-foil/src/Control/Monad/Free/Foil/TH/Signature.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -89,9 +89,40 @@ mkSignature termT nameT scopeT patternT = do
k (x, y) = (name, x, y)

toSignatureParam (bang_, PeelConT typeName _typeParams)
toSignatureParam (_bang, PeelConT typeName _typeParams)
| typeName == nameT = fail ("variable with other stuff in constructor: " ++ show con')
| typeName == patternT = pure Nothing -- skip binders, they will be inserted automatically with each scoped term
| typeName == scopeT = pure (Just (bang_, VarT scope))
| typeName == termT = pure (Just (bang_, VarT term))
toSignatureParam bt = pure (Just bt) -- everything else remains as is
toSignatureParam (bang_, type_) = pure (Just (bang_, replaceScopeTermInType type_))

replaceScopeTermInType = \case
PeelConT typeName _typeParams
| typeName == scopeT -> VarT scope
| typeName == termT -> VarT term
ForallT bndrs ctx type_ -> ForallT bndrs ctx (replaceScopeTermInType type_)
ForallVisT bndrs type_ -> ForallVisT bndrs (replaceScopeTermInType type_)
AppT f x -> AppT (replaceScopeTermInType f) (replaceScopeTermInType x)
AppKindT f k -> AppKindT (replaceScopeTermInType f) k
SigT t k -> SigT (replaceScopeTermInType t) k
t@ConT{} -> t
t@VarT{} -> t
t@PromotedT{} -> t
InfixT l op r -> InfixT (replaceScopeTermInType l) op (replaceScopeTermInType r)
UInfixT l op r -> UInfixT (replaceScopeTermInType l) op (replaceScopeTermInType r)
PromotedInfixT l op r -> PromotedInfixT (replaceScopeTermInType l) op (replaceScopeTermInType r)
PromotedUInfixT l op r -> PromotedUInfixT (replaceScopeTermInType l) op (replaceScopeTermInType r)
ParensT t -> ParensT (replaceScopeTermInType t)
t@TupleT{} -> t
t@UnboxedTupleT{} -> t
t@UnboxedSumT{} -> t
t@ArrowT{} -> t
t@MulArrowT{} -> t
t@EqualityT{} -> t
t@ListT{} -> t
t@PromotedTupleT{} -> t
t@PromotedNilT{} -> t
t@PromotedConsT{} -> t
t@StarT{} -> t
t@ConstraintT{} -> t
t@LitT{} -> t
t@WildCardT{} -> t
ImplicitParamT s t -> ImplicitParamT s (replaceScopeTermInType t)
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion haskell/lambda-pi/lambda-pi.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
cabal-version: 1.24

-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.36.0.
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.37.0.
-- see:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ library
, containers
, deepseq
, free-foil >=0.1.0
, kind-generics-th
, template-haskell
, text >=
default-language: Haskell2010
Expand All @@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ executable lambda-pi
, containers
, deepseq
, free-foil >=0.1.0
, kind-generics-th
, lambda-pi
, template-haskell
, text >=
Expand All @@ -109,6 +111,7 @@ test-suite doctests
, deepseq
, doctest-parallel
, free-foil >=0.1.0
, kind-generics-th
, lambda-pi
, template-haskell
, text >=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,6 +142,7 @@ test-suite spec
, free-foil >=0.1.0
, hspec
, hspec-discover
, kind-generics-th
, lambda-pi
, mtl
, template-haskell
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions haskell/lambda-pi/package.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ dependencies:
free-foil: ">= 0.1.0"

- -Wall
Expand Down

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