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Sona Instructions

Adam Kimbler edited this page Oct 13, 2017 · 5 revisions

To create a researcher account, contact Adam Kimbler, you will need to provide the following:

  • Name
  • PantherID
  • E-Mail Address

Your user name will be in the format of rXXXXXXX (Xs being the digits of your PantherID).

When you log in, you can Create a New Study, or View/Add/Edit a current study. Everything is very much self-explanatory. When you want to create a new study, you'll need to link it with it's IRB number and have it approved by Adam Kimbler.

To give credit, select View Timeslots. Navigate to the participants name, and click "modify" on the far right and click "Grant Credit" and assign the appropriate.

Link to FIU Psychology Sona