How to set up vegeta load testing library
brew update && brew install vegeta
brew install go --cross-compile-common
subl .zshrc
export GOPATH=$HOME/Workspace/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
Save changes and run
source ~/.zshrc
Run this command
go get -u
pull master
1- In case of GET endpoint without required body:
vegeta attack -targets=targets.txt -rate=10 -duration=10s | vegeta report
2- In case of POST endpoint and i need body:
Create body.json file and include it in targets.txt AND make sure that lines order matters
FIRST the endpoint THEN the headers THEN the body.json path (complete path) WITHOUT SPACES IN BETWEEN
vegeta attack -targets=targets.txt -rate=10 -duration=30s | vegeta report
3- To save report result in text file you can run the command as follow:
vegeta attack -targets=targets.txt -rate=10 -duration=5s | vegeta report > anas.bin
4- To generate different report you can run the command as follow:
vegeta attack -targets=targets.txt -rate=10 -duration=5s | vegeta report -reporter=json
5- To just dump vegeta report as a raw data
vegeta attack -targets=targets.txt -rate=10 -duration=5s | vegeta dump
6- To use vegeta with jplot and jagger
vegeta attack -targets=targets.txt -rate=20 -duration=15m | vegeta dump | \
jaggr @count=rps \
hist\[200,300,301,400,404,500,502,503\]:code \
p30,p50,p85:latency \
sum:bytes_in \
sum:bytes_out | \
jplot rps+code.hist.200+code.hist.300+code.hist.301+code.hist.400+code.hist.404+code.hist.500+code.hist.502+code.hist.503 \
latency.p85+latency.p50+latency.p30 \
OR => can be on oneline
vegeta attack -targets=targets.txt -rate=20 -duration=15m | vegeta dump | jaggr @count=rps hist\[200,300,301,400,404,500,502,503\]:code p30,p50,p85:latency sum:bytes_in sum:bytes_out | jplot rps+code.hist.200+code.hist.400+code.hist.404+code.hist.500+code.hist.502+code.hist.503 latency.p85+latency.p50+latency.p30 bytes_in.sum+bytes_out.sum