中文版 | 英文版
- [Project Introduction](#Project Introduction)
- [Functional Features](#Functional Features)
- [Operating Environment](#Operating Environment)
- [Project Structure](#Project Structure)
- [Quick Start](#Quick Start)
This project does not involve the development of business code, but rather provides a solid and efficient development foundation. The framework predefines a series of dependency versions to ensure the overall consistency and stability of the project's technology stack. In addition to dependency management, we have also extended the functionality of some popular open-source projects to meet more specific and unique business requirements.
- Unified Dependency Management: All business projects can inherit from this parent project, ensuring that the technology component versions used in all sub-projects are consistent, greatly reducing version conflicts and technical risks.
- Extension of Open-Source Project Features: We have extended the functionalities of some popular open-source projects in the market, such as Nacos, to better adapt to the specific requirements of business projects.
- Rapid Development: By using this framework, business project teams can focus more on the development of business logic, without having to pay excessive attention to the underlying technical implementation and version compatibility issues.
- JDK 17+
- Spring Cloud 4.0.4
- Spring Cloud Alibaba 2022
- Disruptor 3.4.4
- Nacos 2.3.2
├─framework-common : Common Dependencies
│ ├─framework-common-compress : Compression Extension
│ ├─framework-common-core : Common Dependencies
│ ├─framework-common-security : Security Extension
│ ├─framework-common-utils : Utils Extension
│ ├─framework-component-scheduler-client : Scheduler Extension
│ ├─framework-component-datasource-dynamic : Dynamic Data Source Extension
│ ├─framework-component-disruptor : Disruptor Extension
│ ├─framework-component-elasticsearch : Elasticsearch Extension
│ ├─framework-component-event : Event Extension
│ ├─framework-component-http : HTTP Extension
│ ├─framework-component-listener : Listener Extension
│ ├─framework-component-local-cache : Local Cache
│ ├─framework-component-ratelimter : Rate Limiter Extension
│ ├─framework-component-redis : Redis Extension
│ ├─framework-component-rocketmq : RocketMQ Extension
│ ├─framework-datasource-api : Data Source API
│ ├─framework-datasource-manager-api : Data Source Manager API
│ ├─framework-datasource-cache-api : Data Source Cache API
│ ├─framework-datasource-event-api : Data Source Event API
│ ├─framework-datasource-id-api : Data Source ID API
│ ├─framework-datasource-lock-api : Data Source Lock API
│ ├─framework-datasource-map-api : Data Source Map API
│ ├─framework-datasource-queue-api : Data Source Queue API
│ ├─framework-elasticsearch-api : Elasticsearch API
│ ├─framework-elasticsearch-higth-level-api : Elasticsearch High Level API
│ ├─framework-http-api : HTTP API
│ ├─framework-local-cache-api : Local Cache API
│ ├─framework-security-api : Security API
│ ├─framework-token-api : Token API
│ ├─framework-component-nacos-entity : Nacos POJO
│ ├─framework-component-redis-entity : Redis POJO
│ ├─framework-component-scheduler-entity : Scheduler POJO
├─framework-coverage : Coverage Extension
├─framework-dependencies : Dependencies
│ ├─framework-global-constant : Global Constants
│ ├─framework-global-dubbo-tenant-filter : Tenant Filter
│ ├─framework-global-exception : Exception Extension
│ ├─framework-global-interceptor-app : Application Interceptor
│ ├─framework-global-interceptor-tenant : Tenant Interceptor
│ ├─framework-global-tenant-context : Tenant Context
│ ├─framework-starters-auth-client : Auth Client Extension
│ ├─framework-starters-cloud : Cloud Extension
│ ├─framework-starters-datasource-dynamic : Dynamic Data Source Extension
│ ├─framework-starters-disruptor : Disruptor Extension
│ ├─framework-starters-dubbo : Dubbo Extension
│ ├─framework-starters-elasticesearch-client : Elasticsearch Extension
│ ├─framework-starters-environment : Environment Extension
│ ├─framework-starters-event : Event Extension
│ ├─framework-starters-healthcheck : Health Check
│ ├─framework-starters-http : HTTP Extension
│ ├─framework-starters-http-logappender : HTTP Log Appender
│ ├─framework-starters-interceptor : Application Interceptor
│ ├─framework-starters-local-cache : Local Cache
│ ├─framework-starters-mongodb-client : MongoDB Extension
│ ├─framework-starters-mybatis : MyBatis Extension
│ ├─framework-starters-nacos-config : Nacos Configuration
│ ├─framework-starters-nacos-discovery : Nacos Discovery
│ ├─framework-starters-oidc-client : OIDC Client Extension
│ ├─framework-starters-oss-client : OSS Extension
│ ├─framework-starters-rabbitmq-client : RocketMQ Extension
│ ├─framework-starters-ratelimiter : Rate Limiter Extension
│ ├─framework-starters-redis-redssionclient : Redis Extension
│ ├─framework-starters-rocketmq-consumer : RocketMQ Extension
│ ├─framework-starters-rocketmq-producer : RocketMQ Extension
│ ├─framework-starters-scheduler-client : Scheduler Extension
│ ├─framework-starters-seata : Seata Extension
│ ├─framework-starters-sentinel : Sentinel Extension
│ ├─framework-starters-skywalking : Skywalking Extension
│ ├─framework-starters-springfox-adapter : Swagger Extension
│ ├─framework-starters-transaction-client : Transaction Extension
Serves as the parent dependency for projects, managing common component dependency versions to ensure uniformity and reduce maintenance overhead.
Defined commonly used constants for projects, such as traceid. If it is used across projects, it needs to be organized here to avoid multiple definitions.
Defined common exceptions for projects.
Defined commonly used global interceptors and parameter parsers at the interface layer.
Defined Mybatis Plus tenant global interceptor, etc., for rewriting multi tenant SQL.
Defined commonly used tenant interceptors for implicitly passing tenant IDs
Define Global Tenant Context
Note: Generally introduced by other dependencies, business projects do not need to be introduced separately.
Used to manage ES client connection information
private ElasticSearchContext context = ElasticSearchContextHolder.get();
void test(){
RestcClient client = context.getClient();
Used for startup and runtime health checks
Built in Rest interface to check if the service is alive
liveness: /healthcheck/liveness
readiness: /healthcheck/readiness
用于配置http客户端, 集成基于服务发现的负载均衡功能
private HttpTemplateService<RestTemplate> httpTemplateService;
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.set("TX_ID", "123");
headers.set(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT_ENCODING, MediaType.ALL_VALUE);
HttpEntity httpEntity = new HttpEntity<>("{}", headers);
String api = "https://www.finovy.tech/check";
HttpTemplatePack<RestTemplate> httpTemplatePack = httpTemplateService.choice(api);
ResponseEntity<String> response = httpTemplatePack.getRestTemplate().exchange(httpTemplatePack.getHost() + "/" + "rollback", HttpMethod.POST, httpEntity, String.class);
Integrated service log unified collection function, sent to the collection end via HTTP
Based on logback, customize tech. finovy. framework. logappender LogHttpAppender
, implementing personalized log collection
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<configuration debug="false">
<springProperty scope="context" name="application" source="spring.application.name" defaultValue="application"/>
<springProperty scope="context" name="endpointUrl" source="logging.endpoint-url" defaultValue=""/>
<springProperty scope="context" name="accessKeyId" source="logging.access-key" defaultValue=""/>
<springProperty scope="context" name="accessKeySecret" source="logging.access-secret" defaultValue=""/>
<springProperty scope="context" name="logStore" source="logging.log-store" defaultValue="log-store"/>
<springProperty scope="context" name="project" source="logging.project" defaultValue="app-project"/>
<springProperty scope="context" name="topic" source="logging.topic" defaultValue="app-log"/>
<springProperty scope="context" name="consoleLevel" source="logging.console-level" defaultValue="WARN"/>
<springProperty scope="context" name="fileLevel" source="logging.file-level" defaultValue="WARN"/>
<springProperty scope="context" name="hostName" source="logging.host-name" defaultValue=""/>
<shutdownHook class="ch.qos.logback.core.hook.DelayingShutdownHook"/>
<!-- appender -->
<appender name="http" class="tech.finvoy.framework.logappender.LogHttpAppender">
<pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} %line- %msg%n</pattern>
<appender name="console" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.ThresholdFilter">
<!-- 控制台输出级别限制 -->
<pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} %line- %msg%n</pattern>
<logger name="tech.finovy.framework.*" level="INFO" additivity="false">
<appender-ref ref="console"/>
<appender-ref ref="http"/>
<root level="WARN" additivity="false">
<appender-ref ref="http"/>
<appender-ref ref="console"/>
Used for unified management of MongoDB clients
"config": [
"database": "export-system",
"host": "",
"password": "password",
"port": 27017,
"username": "uname"
"database": "import-system",
"host": "",
"password": "password",
"port": 27017,
"username": "uname"
Code usage:
private MongodbClientSourceMap clientSourceMap;
void mongClient() {
MongoDatabase database = clientSourceMap.getMongodbDatabase("export-system");
// with API call
Used for automatic assembly in the configuration center, providing more elegant extension points
- How to dynamically obtain configuration changes?
- Inherit AbstractNacosConfigDefinitionListener
- Inject the CustomizationDefinitionListener into the Spring container
public class CustomeConfigurationDefinitionListener extends AbstractNacosConfigDefinitionListener<CustomeConfiguration> {
public CustomeConfigurationDefinitionListener() {
public String getDataId() {
return "data-id";
public String getDataGroup() {
return "data-group";
public void refresh(String dataId, String dataGroup, ProducerConfiguration config, int version) {
// Get and refresh
Inject the CustomizationDefinitionListener into the Spring container
Manages OSS (Object Storage Service) client configurations.
Code Example:
private OssClientService ossClient;
public void ossClientTest() {
// Reference API for Get/Put/Delete
Handles RabbitMQ client connections.
Integrates Guava RateLimiter for controlling access rate limits.
private DistributedRateLimiterFactoryManager manager;
public void ratelimiterTest(){
// resource ,qps
final boolean test = manager.tryAcquire("resource", 1);
Used to manage Redis client configuration and provide multiple extension methods
Note: Please refer to tech. finovy. framework. publication. autoconfiguration. ' RedissionProperties
for custom configuration
idleConnectionTimeout: 10000
connectTimeout: 10000
timeout: 3000
retryAttempts: 3
retryInterval: 1500
password: password
subscriptionsPerConnection: 5
clientName: null
loadBalancer: !<org.redisson.connection.balancer.RoundRobinLoadBalancer> {}
slaveConnectionMinimumIdleSize: 32
slaveConnectionPoolSize: 64
masterConnectionMinimumIdleSize: 32
masterConnectionPoolSize: 64
readMode: "SLAVE"
- "redis://"
- "redis://"
- "redis://"
masterName: "master"
database: 0
threads: 0
nettyThreads: 0
Note: The RedissionsClientInterface is outdated and will be removed on 0.2.0. If you need to use it, switch to tech.finovy.framework.redisson.holder.RedisContextHolder is obtained, and the original enhanced functions are transferred to tech.finovy.framework.redisson.holder.RedisContext
Refer to package tech.finovy.framework.redission.api
,, the following is only an example for explanation.
- RedissonClientInterface : Expanded RedissonClient
- CacheApi : Redis based caching API
- DistributedIdApi : Implementation of distributed ID based on Redis (compatible with old projects, it is recommended to migrate new projects to dedicated services), maintenance has been discontinued
- DistributedLockApi : Implementation of Distributed Locks Based on Redirection
- LocalCacheMapApi : Local cache implementation
- MapApi : Implementation of Map Operation Based on Redis
// Example 1
private CacheApi cacheApi;
void test(){
String cacheKey = "testCache-00";
List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>();
List<SerialCache> batchCache = new ArrayList<>();
for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) {
SerialCache cachePack = new SerialCache(cacheKey + x);
keys.add(cacheKey + x);
cachePack.setCacheData(txt + "-----------" + x);
// Example 2
private RedissonClientInterface redissonClientInterface;
void test(){
int x = redissonClientInterface.calHash("test");
If you want to obtain Redis client, please use RedisContextHolder.get().getClient()
Manage RocketMQ Consumers
private RocketMqConsumer rocketMqConsumer;
void testRocketMqConsumerClient() {
final DefaultMQPushConsumer consumer = rocketMqConsumer.getConsumer("TEST","MQ-TEST","*");
consumer.registerMessageListener((MessageListenerConcurrently) (list, context) -> ConsumeConcurrentlyStatus.CONSUME_SUCCESS);
Manage RocketMQ Producer
private QueueService queueService;
void test() {
// only init connection
final QueueSerialMessage message = new QueueSerialMessage();
message.setBody("for test");
final PushResult result = queueService.pushSerial(message);
Quickly connect to Spring Cloud, integrating Nacos configuration, service discovery, service health checks, log collection, service containers, and other dependencies
Quick access to Dubbo, integration of Dubbo, and dependencies on Dubbo and Nacos integration
Used for decrypting database fields, set up in the spring environment.
Quickly integrate mybatis dependencies
Only used for projects where the front-end and back-end are not separated, using backend redirection for return. Quickly integrate Spring Security and implement a third-party login server that interfaces with the oidc protocol, such as keycloak, feishu, teams, etc. The client only needs to implement the corresponding extension connection
# 退出登录地址
logout-url: /logout
# 不需要鉴权的接口
- /*.html
- /config
# keycloak host,不填则使用默认值。
# keycloak realm,不填则使用默认值 master。
realm: user
# (必需)id & secret (需要向keycloak管理员申请)
client-id: id
client-secret: secret
- Client triggered login address:。
- Provide callback address to keycloak: Fill in the front-end address, and the front-end will then request to the back-end。
- Logic after successful and failed login for extended users: implementation tech.finovy.framework.security.oidc.AuthorizationCallbackHandler
- Obtaining User Information for Successful Login: Injecting Dependencies tech.finovy.framework.security.oidc.UserDetailService
Three party login docking for front-end and back-end separation projects. Quickly integrate Spring Security to achieve third-party login server integration with oidc protocol, such as keycloak, feishu, teams, etc., and also achieve account and password login. The client only needs to implement the corresponding extension connection. Belongs to an upgraded version of the framework starter idc client.
# 开发模式
code-mode-enable: true
# 开发模式默认的用户(和数据库已有数据一致)
code-mode-username: admin
# 账号密码登录地址
default-account-login-url: /login/account
# 是否开启jwt格式token返回给前端
jwt-enable: false
# 后端登出地址
logout-url: /logout
# 不需要鉴权的接口
- /public/**
# 领域配置
realm: master
# host配置
# (必需)id & secret (需要向keycloak管理员申请)
client-id: id
client-secret: secret
# 前端回调地址,注意 1. 要和keycloak服务端填写的回调地址保持一致 2. registration_id=keycloak 必须添加
redirect-uri: https://cicd.internal-project.com?registration_id=keycloak
client-id: id
client-secret: secret
# 前端回调地址,注意 1. 要和gitee服务端填写的回调地址保持一致 2. registration_id=gitee 必须添加
redirect-uri: https://cicd.internal-project.com?registration_id=gitee
client-id: id
client-secret: secret
# 前端回调地址,注意 1. 要和feishu服务端填写的回调地址保持一致 2. registration_id=feishu 必须添加
redirect-uri: https://cicd.internal-project.com?registration_id=feishu
Complete docking process with front-end and back-end separation:
- Obtain the third-party login configuration ClientProviderHolder. get(), which will be packaged by the backend to the frontend
"code": 0,
"data": [
"type": "keycloak",
"url": ""
"msg": "success",
"success": true
The front-end redirects to three parties based on the URL obtained in the first step
Tri party callback to the front-end, front-end forwarding requests to the back-end interface
Callback front-end case:
Request backend case:
API: GET login/auth/code?Request backend case Response
Note: If the API has a prefix, it needs to be added
Custom account and password verification logic:
achieve tech.finovy.framework.security.auth.extend.CustomPasswordEncoder
achieve tech.finovy.framework.security.auth.extend.UsernameAndPasswordService
Custom token storage logic: implementation tech.finovy.framework.security.auth.core.token.normal.TokenStorage
Obtaining User Information for Successful Login: Injecting Dependencies tech.finovy.framework.security.auth.UserDetailService
Logic of successful login failure for extended users: implementation tech.finovy.framework.security.auth.AuthorizationCallbackHandler
ntegrate Seata client dependencies for distributed transaction related purposes. Due to the involvement of multiple modes, please refer to the official documentation for Code Usage https://seata.io/zh-cn/docs/overview/what-is-seata.html
Integrate Sentinel MVC client dependencies for web layer throttling (HTTP)
Integrate Sentinel Dubbo client dependencies for RPC layer flow limiting
Used for token judgment interception. (Compatible with older versions)
将 techno.finovy.framework.global.interceptor。会话接收器添加至 WebMvcConfigurer拦截器链
Used for tenant interception injection at the mybatis level. (Compatible with older versions)
Used for tenant interception injection at the mybatis level, with the default tenant field being appid. (Compatible with older versions)
Integrate local cache dependencies
consult tech.finovy.framework.cache.local.api.LocalCacheService
Integrate multiple data source dependencies and maintain multiple data source connection pools.
"config": [
"asyncInit": false,
"encrypt": true,
"key": "user_db",
"password": "password",
"poolPreparedStatements": true,
"url": "url",
"username": "username"
Inject DynamicDataSourceMap and use this type of API to obtain relevant connection pools
Integrated disruptor
Create DefaultDisruptorEngineProvider:
// DisruptorEventConfiguration - Custom Interruptor Configuration
final DefaultDisruptorEngineProvider engineProvider = new DefaultDisruptorEngineProvider(configuration);
Use techno.finovy.framework.disruptor.spi.DisruptorEngine API handles event related issues
Integration Event Dependency
- tech.finovy.framework.distributed.event.api.AsyncEventService
- tech.finovy.framework.distributed.event.api.EventService
Integrated scheduled task client
Regular scheduled tasks:
The custom class inherits AbstractSchedulerExecutorListener, with the type consistent with the jobKey in the server-side configuration file.
public class CustomService extends AbstractSchedulerExecutorListener {
public String getType() {
return "type";
public RemoteJobExecuteResult trigger(RemoteJobExecuteConfig config) {
// 业务逻辑
return new RemoteJobExecuteResult();
Integrating this dependency, the call address configured on the server is: service address+/scheduler/trigger
Streaming scheduling tasks:
62/10000 实时翻译 划译 The custom class inherits the AbstractSchedulerFlowListener, with the type consistent with the jobKey in the server-side configuration file.
public class CustomService<T> extends AbstractSchedulerFlowListener<T> {
public List<T> fetch(RemoteJobExecuteConfig config) {
// 自定义逻辑
return super.fetch(config);
public RemoteJobExecuteResult process(RemoteJobProcessConfig<T> input) {
// 自定义逻辑
return super.process(input);
public String getType() {
return "type";
Integrating this dependency, the call address configured on the server is: service address+/scheduler/job_fetch, service address+/scheduler/job_process