At this time, the Finix Python SDK is not receiving regular updates or improvements. We plan on releasing a new version of our Python SDK in the near future. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Finix Support Team.
While we fine-tune and make changes, we've paused releasing updates since 09/20/2022. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the Finix Support Team.
- Python>=3.6
pip install --upgrade finix
python install
import finix
from finix.configuration import Environment, Configuration
from finix.models import *
# finix.models is intended for wildcard import, feel safe to import all predefined models at once
config = Configuration(
environment = Environment.SANDBOX
client = finix.FinixClient(config)
Here is an example of creating a transfer:
request = CreateTransferRequest(
currency = Currency("USD"),
amount = 12345,
source = 'PIe2YvpcjvoVJ6PzoRPBK137',
tags = Tags(
category = 'sale'
transfer = client.transfers.create(create_transfer_request=request)
Here is an example of listing payment instruments:
# fetch 5 payment instruments and print id of each
payment_instruments = client.payment_instruments.list(limit=5)
for single_instrument in payment_instruments:
# fetch the next 5 payment instruments and print type of the first one
next_five_instruments = payment_instruments.list_next()
Here is an example of catching exceptions:
except finix.ApiException as e:
# print basic http information of the exception
# print message of each error in the http response body
for err in e.body:
print (err.message)
- Transfers
- Authorizations
- Identities
- Merchants
- Payment Instruments
- Instrument Updates
- Balance Transfers
- Devices
- Disputes
- Files
- Settlements
- Webhooks
- Verifications
- Merchant Profiles
- Fee Profiles
- Onboarding Forms
- Compliance Forms