Nissan is continuously breaking the NissanConnectNA api and making it harder to work around. I prefer to discontinue the support than providing a service that cannot meet reasonable standards.
Thank you Nissan for working against your customers.
⚠️ olderCanada and olderUSA support may break at anytime because Nissan keep changing the API key.
⚠️ If you're not using the Leaf frequently, stop the container or drastically reduce the update frequency, or you could well end up with a flat 12V battery.
This works for my Canadian made in 2018 LEAF 40kWh. It was also reported to be working on a newer than May 2019 Leaf.
You must have a working MQTT broker on your LAN.
Should work with multiple Leafs, but it is untested. Please open an issue with feedback if possible.
You can use pre-built images from here:
tag example: yp87/leaf2mqtt:latest
docker build --tag leaf2mqtt .
-- OR --
cp local_settings.env.tmpl local_settings.env
docker-compose build
Parameter | Optional | Description |
LEAF_USERNAME | No | Your NissanConnect username |
LEAF_PASSWORD | No | Your NissanConnect password |
LEAF_TYPE | No | newerThanMay2019, olderCanada, olderUSA, olderEurope, olderAustralia or olderJapan |
MQTT_HOST | No | IP or hostname of your mqtt broker. Localhost or will not work when using Docker, use real host LAN ip |
MQTT_PORT | Yes | Port of your mqtt broker. Default is 1883 |
MQTT_USERNAME | Yes | Your mqtt username |
MQTT_PASSWORD | Yes | Your mqtt password |
MQTT_BASE_TOPIC | Yes | The root MQTT topic for leaf2mqtt. Default is "leaf" |
UPDATE_INTERVAL_MINUTES | Yes | Time between automatic status refresh. Default is 60 |
CHARGING_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MINUTES* | Yes | Time between automatic status refresh when charging. Default is 15 |
COMMAND_ATTEMPTS | Yes | Number of attempts for any command regardless of success or failure. Since some of the Nissan apis are unreliable, I recommend a value of 5. Default is 1. |
LOG_LEVEL | Yes | The log verbosity used by leaf2mqtt. Default is "Warning" |
docker run --restart always -e LEAF_USERNAME="[email protected]" -e LEAF_PASSWORD="Some P4ssword!" -e LEAF_TYPE="newerThanMay2019" -e MQTT_HOST= -e UPDATE_INTERVAL_MINUTES=1440 -e COMMAND_ATTEMPTS=5 --name leaf2mqtt leaf2mqtt
-- OR --
Edit local_settings.env
docker-compose up -d
value will only be used after the ongoing UPDATE_INTERVAL_MINUTES
is elapsed and the Leaf is charging.
In these examples, the MQTT_BASE_TOPIC
is set to the default (leaf
Topic | Type | Description |
leaf/{vin}/nickname | String | The reported nickname of the leaf |
leaf/{vin}/vin | String | The reported vin of the leaf |
leaf/{vin}/lastErrorDateTimeUtc | Iso8601 UTC | The datetime of the last failed command execution or status query |
leaf/{vin}/json | String | A json representation of all general status |
Topic | Payload | Description |
leaf/{vin}/command | update | Request an update for all status |
Topic | Type | Description |
leaf/{vin}/battery/percentage | Integer | The last reported battery charge of the leaf |
leaf/{vin}/battery/connected | Boolean | True if the leaf is reported as currently connected. False otherwise |
leaf/{vin}/battery/charging | Boolean | True if the leaf is reported as currently charging. False otherwise |
leaf/{vin}/battery/capacity | Double | The reported total capacity of the battery |
leaf/{vin}/battery/chargingSpeed | String | can be one of None, Slow, Normal or Fast |
leaf/{vin}/battery/cruisingRangeAcOffKm | Integer | Range left with climate off in kilometers as estimated by the Leaf |
leaf/{vin}/battery/cruisingRangeAcOffMiles | Integer | Range left with climate off in miles as estimated by the Leaf |
leaf/{vin}/battery/cruisingRangeAcOnKm | Integer | Range left with climate on in kilometers as estimated by the Leaf |
leaf/{vin}/battery/cruisingRangeAcOnMiles | Integer | Range left with climate on in miles as estimated by the Leaf |
leaf/{vin}/battery/timeToFullTrickleInMinutes | Integer | The reported time in minutes to fully charge when trickling (~1kw) |
leaf/{vin}/battery/timeToFullL2InMinutes | Integer | The reported time in minutes to fully charge when charging in half speed L2 (~3kw) |
leaf/{vin}/battery/timeToFullL2_6kwInMinutes | Integer | The reported time in minutes to fully charge when charging in full speed L2 (~6kw) |
leaf/{vin}/battery/lastUpdatedDateTimeUtc | Iso8601 UTC | The datetime when the last battery values were updated |
leaf/{vin}/battery/lastReceivedDateTimeUtc | Iso8601 UTC | The datetime when leaf2mqtt received the last battery values |
leaf/{vin}/battery/json | String | A json representation of all battery status |
Topic | Payload | Description |
leaf/{vin}/command/battery | update | Request an update for all battery status |
leaf/{vin}/command/battery | startCharging | Request the Leaf to start charging |
Topic | Type | Description |
leaf/{vin}/climate/cabinTemperatureC | Double | The reported cabin temperature in Celsius |
leaf/{vin}/climate/cabinTemperatureF | Double | The reported cabin temperature in Fahrenheit |
leaf/{vin}/climate/runningStatus | Boolean | True if the Leaf is reporting the HVAC as running. False otherwise |
leaf/{vin}/climate/lastReceivedDateTimeUtc | Iso8601 UTC | The datetime when leaf2mqtt received the last climate values |
leaf/{vin}/climate/json | String | A json representation of all climate status |
Topic | Payload | Description |
leaf/{vin}/command/climate | update | Request an update for all climate status |
leaf/{vin}/command/climate | start | Request the Leaf to start climate control |
leaf/{vin}/command/climate | startC XY | Request the Leaf to start climate control at XY Celsius |
leaf/{vin}/command/climate | startF XY | Request the Leaf to start climate control at XY Fahrenheit |
leaf/{vin}/command/climate | stop | Request the Leaf to stop climate control |
must be daily
or monthly
Topic | Type | Description |
leaf/{vin}/stats/{TimeRange}/targetDate | Iso8601 | The reported target date of the stats |
leaf/{vin}/stats/{TimeRange}/travelTimeHours | double | The reported time traveled in hours during specified time range |
leaf/{vin}/stats/{TimeRange}/travelDistanceMiles | double | The reported miles traveled during specified time range |
leaf/{vin}/stats/{TimeRange}/travelDistanceKilometers | double | The reported kilometers traveled during specified time range |
leaf/{vin}/stats/{TimeRange}/milesPerKwh | double | The reported miles per kWh during specified time range |
leaf/{vin}/stats/{TimeRange}/kilometersPerKwh | double | The reported kilometers per kWh during specified time range |
leaf/{vin}/stats/{TimeRange}/kwhUsed | double | The reported kWh consumption during specified time range |
leaf/{vin}/stats/{TimeRange}/kwhPerMiles | double | The reported kWh consumption per miles during specified time range |
leaf/{vin}/stats/{TimeRange}/kwhPerKilometers | double | The reported kWh consumption per km during specified time range |
leaf/{vin}/stats/{TimeRange}/co2ReductionKg | double | The reported number of co2 in Kg saved during specified time range |
leaf/{vin}/stats/{TimeRange}/tripsNumber | int | The reported number of trips during specified time range |
leaf/{vin}/stats/{TimeRange}/kwhGained | Double | The reported total regen in kWh during specified time range |
leaf/{vin}/stats/{TimeRange}/lastReceivedDateTimeUtc | Iso8601 UTC | The datetime when leaf2mqtt received the last stats values |
leaf/{vin}/stats/json | String | A json representation of all stats |
Topic | Payload | Description |
leaf/{vin}/command/stats/{TimeRange} | update YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS | Request an update for daily or monthly stats. Date must respect Iso8601 |
Topic | Type | Description |
leaf/{vin}/location/latitude | String | The reported last known location's latitude in decimal degrees |
leaf/{vin}/location/longitude | String | The reported last known location's longitude in decimal degrees |
leaf/{vin}/location/lastReceivedDateTimeUtc | Iso8601 UTC | The datetime when leaf2mqtt received the last location values |
leaf/{vin}/location/json | String | A json representation of all location status |
Topic | Payload | Description |
leaf/{vin}/command/location | update | Request an update for the last known location |
ℹ️ The status and commands for the first Leaf in the account are also supported by using the same topic without the {vin}.
- platform: mqtt
name: leaf_battery_level
# Since VIN is not specified, it will represent the state from the first vehicle in the account.
state_topic: "leaf/battery/percentage"
unit_of_measurement: "%"
device_class: battery
- platform: mqtt
name: leaf_battery_last_updated
# Since VIN is not specified, it will represent the state from the first Leaf in the account.
state_topic: "leaf/battery/lastUpdatedDateTimeUtc"
device_class: timestamp
- platform: mqtt
name: leaf_battery_last_received
# You can specify the vin if you prefer or if you have more than one Leaf.
state_topic: "leaf/XXXXXSOMEXVINXXXXX/battery/lastReceivedDateTimeUtc"
device_class: timestamp
In Home Assistant, calling a script like this - service: script.some_script_name
within another script or automation will actually stop the execution of the calling script until script.some_script_name
terminates, unlike using script.turn_on
. Knowing this, you can ensure you have the latest state for your leaf before continuing an automation using a script like this:
# Using queued will ensure you do not update twice at the same time and will prevent
# subsequent invocations from asking an update right away because of the while's conditions.
# All the callers will also wait for the result.
mode: queued
- repeat:
# Used with the sensors in the section above, this condition will
# ensure we continue until the states are really updated.
# It will also prevent subsequent calls from unnecessarily requesting
# an update before the current state is 10 minutes old.
- >
{{ as_timestamp(now()) -
as_timestamp(states('sensor.leaf_battery_last_updated')) > 600 }}
# We also stop the loop after 4 tries since Nissan servers can send the same
# old data many times in a row. I think this happens when the state did not really changed
# or the Leaf is unreachable.
- "{{ repeat.index <= 4 }}"
# We publish the update command for the car.
# You can also ommit the VIN to target the first Leaf in the account.
# You can also request update for every state for one Leaf by removing the /battery section
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: "leaf/XXXXXSOMEXVINXXXXX/command/battery"
payload: "update"
# We now wait until we actually have received a response or if we timed out.
# This does not mean that the received data is the latest. This is why
# we check sensor.leaf_battery_last_updated in the while condition.
- wait_for_trigger:
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.leaf_battery_last_received
timeout: 600
# Let's have a cool down to give time to Home Assistant to update all the states.
- delay: "00:00:10"
- Forked from Troon/leaf2mqtt. Thank you for the inspiration!
- Using libraries from Tobias Westergaard Kjeldsen to connect with the nissan leaf's APIs. Those libraries are also used for his MyLeaf app.