a distributed application platform for HTML5 that aims to be:
- fast
- efficient
- extensible
- flexible
- scalable
- a data network across the server and all connected clients and external servers
- available in HTML5 compatible browsers
- provide developers with real-time events, data streams and messaging
Central concepts : channel, address, object and type
- a channel is a filter that allows separation of traffic to the same address
- a channel may have an attached variable value
- a "|" separates the channel from the address
- a channel and address are given together in the following style:
0 : base
1 : auth
2 : chat
3 : debug
4 : file
5 : error
6 : log
7 : type
8 : db
9 : ping
10 : ctrl
11 : admin
12 : sys
14 : push
15 : zmq
"db|[email protected]:8080/api/pi.io.db.php"
"zmq:9001|[email protected]:7800/services/zmq/myzmq/"
####TYPE - any basic type from built-in type library of html4 + html5 types - serializable as SQL, JSON, igbinary
####OBJECT - serializable collection of TYPE instances - may be nested - not yet, though
####Naming conventions for the pi namespace If '.' is not available, use DASH: '-' If '-' is not available, use UNDERSCORE: '_'
If '_' is not to your liking, use camelCase
Pi is inspired by flow-based programming and the old-school linux toolchain, where specialized agents can be configured on-the-fly into flexible chains of processing through unix pipes.
scales dynamically, as hardware allows.
lowers pulse on high load, because larger batches are more efficient
run mini-batches for each step of data processing, at every pulse
namespaced data in memory is flushed to db and to live listeners at every pulse
heavily influenced by flow-based programming
embraces the Observer Model
- Salvatore Sanfilippo, creator of Redis
- unix toolchain
- J. Paul Morrison's Flow Based Programming - Wikipedia
- Requires HTML5, using native functions wherever possible
- prefer binary data representation in browser
- use WebWorkers to do background processing
####Server-side optimizations
- Replace the PHP serializer with igbinary.
- Compile PHPRedis with [ --enable-redis-igbinary ], to enable binary communication with Redis.
- Compile Redis as 32-bit, even on 64-bit systems. This is more memory-efficient, as Redis is very pointer-intensive
- Possible to use Redis for PHP session storage and application shared memory.
##Documentation this, for now
- Optimize for devices
- Optimize server/cache setup
- Background processing where sensible and possible
- Modular loading of resources
- Cross-browser, within reason
- Cross-device support, again within reason
##Target browsers
- WebKit + Firefox
- iOs >= 5.1
- Android >= 4.0 (Except native browser)
- IE 10
- IE 9, when not impossible
- any modern browser with WebSocket support
###Not supported - Opera Mini - Android native browser has no WebSocket, and no Web Worker. - IE < 9
####Client Libraries
###Server libraries
- why-arent-you-using-git-flow
- git-flow - A collection of Git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model
- git-flow cheat sheet
- Google PageSpeed
- Charles Web Debugging Proxy - Windows/Mac/Linux
- caniuse.com - HTML5 browser support by feature
- jsPerf — JavaScript performance playground
###Speed and optimization guidelines:
- Load CSS in head section, to improve rendering consistency
- Files larger than 32KB (uncompressed) are never cached on many mobile devices
- Avoid DOM manipulation wherever possible
- use requestAnimationFrame
- use documentFragment
- use getClientBoundingRect
- use WebWorkers
- localStorage can probably be used even for css and scripts
- and also Test what postMessage can send as message postMessage can send messages between frames, windows and web workers. This page tests what your browser is capable of sending with postMessage.
- Android Push Notifications with PhoneGap
- More Bandwidth Doesn’t Matter (much)
- Make your mobile pages render in under one second
- GoogleTechTalks - Speed Up Your JavaScript
- Mastering HTML5 Prefetching
- Airline on-time performance dataset
- Using the Android Emulator
- Viewport resizer - Responsive design bookmarklet
####Detect mobile user agent with regex: var isMobile = /ip(hone|od|ad)|android|blackberry.*applewebkit|bb1\d.*mobile/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
####Speed up DOM manipulation with DocumentFragment: var div = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
for ( var e = 0; e < elems.length; e++ ) {
fragment.appendChild( elems[e] );
###Browser support
- Any browser with WebSockets: caniuse - WebSockets
- HTML5: WebSockets, WebWorkers, typed arrays and native array functions (each, some, filter, etc)
- Varnish
- Redis