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This is a generator to create a class-diagram of PlantUML from the C# source code.

Visual Studio Code Extension

.Net Core global tools

Nuget Gallery:


Download and install the .NET Core 2.1 SDK or newer. Once installed, run the following command.

dotnet tool install --global PlantUmlClassDiagramGenerator --version 1.2.2


Run the "puml-gen" command.

puml-gen InputPath [OutputPath] [-dir] [-public | -ignore IgnoreAccessibilities] [-excludePaths ExcludePathList] [-createAssociation]
  • InputPath: (Required) Sets a input source file or directory name.
  • OutputPath: (Optional) Sets a output file or directory name.
    If you omit this option, plantuml files are outputted to same directory as the input files.
  • -dir: (Optional) Specify when InputPath and OutputPath are directory names.
  • -public: (Optional) If specified, only public accessibility members are output.
  • -ignore: (Optional) Specify the accessibility of members to ignore, with a comma separated list.
  • -excludePaths: (Optional) Specify the exclude file and directory.
    Specifies a relative path from the "InputPath", with a comma separated list.
  • -createAssociation: (Optional) Create object associations from references of fields and properites.
  • -allInOne: (Optional) Only if -dir is set: copy the output of all diagrams to file include.puml (this allows a PlanUMLServer to render it).


puml-gen C:\Source\App1\ClassA.cs -public
puml-gen C:\Source\App1 C:\PlantUml\App1 -dir -ignore Private,Protected -createAssociation -allInOne
puml-gen C:\Source\App1 C:\PlantUml\App1 -dir -excludePaths bin,obj,Properties

Specification for conversion to PlantUML

Type Declaration

Type Keywords

C# PlantUML
class class
struct <<struct>> class
interface interface
enum enum

Type Modifiers

C# PlantUML
abstract abstract
static <<static>>
partial <<partial>>
sealed <<sealed>>
  • C#
class ClassA {  
struct StructA {
interface InterfaceA {
abstract class AbstractClass {
static class StaticClass {
sealed partial class ClassB{
enum EnumType{
  • PlantUML
class ClassA {
class StructA <<struct>> {
interface InterfaceA {
abstract class AbstractClass {
class StaticClass <<static>> {
class ClassB <<sealed>> <<partial>> {
enum EnumType {


Generics Type

  • C#
class GenericsType<T1>{
class GenericsType<T1,T2>{
  • PlantUML
class "GenericsType`1"<T1>{
class "GenericsType`2"<T1,T2>{


Member Declaration

Accessibility Modifiers

C# PlantUML
public +
internal <<internal>>
protected internal # <<internal>>
protected #
private -


C# PlantUML
abstract {abstract}
static {static}
virtual <<virtual>>
override <<override>>
new <<new>>
readonly <<readonly>>
event <<event>>

Property Accessors

C# PlantUML
int Prop {get; set;} Prop : int <<get>> <<set>>
int Prop {get;} Prop : int <get>
int Prop {get; private set } Prop : int <<get>><<private set>>
int Prop => 100; Prop : int <<get>>
  • C#
abstract class AbstractClass
    protected int _x;
    internal int _y;
    protected internal int _z;
    public abstract void AbstractMethod();
    protected virtual void VirtualMethod(string s){

    public string BaseMethod(int n){
        return "";
class ClassM : AbstractClass
    public static readonly double PI =3.141592;
    public int PropA { get; set; }
    public int PropB { get; protected set; }
    public event EventHandler SomeEvent;
    public override void AbstractMethod(){
    protected override void VirtualMethod(string s)

    public override string ToString()
        return "override";
    public new string BaseMethod(int n){
        return "new";
  • PlantUML
abstract class AbstractClass {
    # _x : int
    <<internal>> _y : int
    # <<internal>> _z : int
    + {abstract} AbstractMethod() : void
    # <<virtual>> VirtualMethod(s:string) : void
    + BaseMethod(n:int) : string
class ClassM {
    + {static} <<readonly>> PI : double = 3.141592
    + PropA : int <<get>> <<set>>
    + PropB : int <<get>> <<protected set>>
    +  <<event>> SomeEvent : EventHandler 
    + <<override>> AbstractMethod() : void
    # <<override>> VirtualMethod(s:string) : void
    + <<override>> ToString() : string
    + <<new>> BaseMethod(n:int) : string
AbstractClass <|-- ClassM


Field and Property Initializers

Only literal initializers are output.

  • C#
class ClassC
    private int fieldA = 123;
    public double Pi {get;} = 3.14159;
    protected List<string> Items = new List<string>(); 
  • PlantUML
class ClassC {
  - fieldA : int = 123
  + Pi : double = 3.14159
  # Items : List<string>


Nested Class Declaration

Nested classes are expanded and associated with "OuterClass + - InnerClass".

  • C#
class OuterClass 
  class InnerClass 
    struct InnerStruct 

  • PlantUML
class OuterClass{

class InnerClass{

<<struct>> class InnerStruct {

OuterClass +- InnerClass
InnerClass +- InnerStruct


Inheritance Relationsips

  • C#
abstract class BaseClass
    public abstract void AbstractMethod();
    protected virtual int VirtualMethod(string s) => 0;
class SubClass : BaseClass
    public override void AbstractMethod() { }
    protected override int VirtualMethod(string s) => 1;

interface IInterfaceA {}
interface IInterfaceA<T>:IInterfaceA
    T Value { get; }
class ImplementClass : IInterfaceA<int>
    public int Value { get; }
  • PlantUML
abstract class BaseClass {
    + {abstract} AbstractMethod() : void
    # <<virtual>> VirtualMethod(s:string) : int
class SubClass {
    + <<override>> AbstractMethod() : void
    # <<override>> VirtualMethod(s:string) : int
interface IInterfaceA {
interface "IInterfaceA`1"<T> {
    Value : T <<get>>
class ImplementClass {
    + Value : int <<get>>
BaseClass <|-- SubClass
IInterfaceA <|-- "IInterfaceA`1"
"IInterfaceA`1" "<int>" <|-- ImplementClass


Associations (from references of fields and properties)

If you specify the "createAssociation" option, object associations is created from field and property references.

  • C#
class ClassA{
    public IList<string> Strings{get;} = new List<string>();
    public Type1 Prop1{get;set;}
    public Type2 field1;

class Type1 {
    public int value1{get;set;}

class Type2{
    public string string1{get;set;}
    public ExternalType Prop2 {get;set;}
  • PlantUML
class ClassA {
class Type1 {
    + value1 : int <<get>> <<set>>
class Type2 {
    + string1 : string <<get>> <<set>>
class "IList`1"<T> {
ClassA o-> "Strings<string>" "IList`1"
ClassA --> "Prop1" Type1
ClassA --> "field1" Type2
Type2 --> "Prop2" ExternalType



This is a generator to create a class-diagram of PlantUML from the C# source code.







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  • C# 90.3%
  • TypeScript 9.7%