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My little AI Projects for fun

Keep Learning & gaining progress!


  • (AI player for simulating Prisoners' Dilemma)

Linear Regression(My own implementation of Linear Regression with Gradient Descent)

  • Simple implementation

  • Vectorized implementation with feature scaling(z-score)

  • Dynamic chart for visualizing the process of gradient descent

Logistic Regression

  • Sigmod function to estimate

  • Regularized

  • Scattered pictures to visualize the process

  • Ordinary Least Square

    $W =\frac{\bar{x*y} - \bar x * \bar y}{\bar {x^2} - {\bar x} ^ 2 }$

    $B = \bar Y - W * \bar{x}$


  • Training Network using tensorflow to do digit recognition(simple)

  • Recognize the newly created picture


  • Use K - means algorithm to do clustering (minimium $\sum ||xi-ci||$)

    1. Randomly initialize K cluster centers

    2. Repeat

      1. Cluster assignment step: assign each data point to the closest cluster center

      2. Move cluster center step: compute the mean of each cluster and assign the new mean as the cluster center

    3. Check convergence

  • Scattered pictures to notably visualize the process and the conclusion


  • Construct Normal Distribution for each feature of the training set(all normal datas)

    $\mu_i = \frac{1}{N} \Sigma x^{(k)}_i$

    $\delta^2 = \frac{1}{N-1} \Sigma (x^{(k)}_i - \mu_i)^2$

  • Check every test vector by calulating the product of the probability of each feature as the final probability, and then compare it with the threshold to decide whether it is an anomaly or not

  • Maybe each feature is commonly not strictly independent, but the result is often still good enough

  • When features are not Gaussian enough, we can use $log(x+K)$ or $x^k (0 < k < 1)$ to handle it

  • (3-D figures to show 2-D featured datas)

Recommend System

  • Collaborative Filtering. Use vector $W^{(i)}$ to denote User(i)'s preferance and $X^{(j)}$ to denote Movie(j)'s features, and then use $W^{(i)} * X^{(j)} + B^{(i,j)}$ to estimate the rating of User(i) to Movie(j)

  • Like Linear Regression, use Gradient Descent to optimize the cost function $J(W,X,B) = \frac{1}{2} \Sigma_{marked(i,j)}(W^{(i)} * X^{(j)} +B^{(i,j)}- y^{(i,j)})^2 + \frac{\lambda}{2} \Sigma \Sigma (W^{(i,j)})^2 + \frac{\lambda}{2} \Sigma \Sigma (X^{(i,j)})^2$

  • Maybe because people's mind is so complex that we can't fit it with a simple linear function, which results in a bad performance of the model(accuracy at about only 46%)


  • Build a neural network from scratch trying to fit a complex function given some points.

  • Every layer has a weight matrix and a bias vector, and the activation function is sigmoid.

  • use gradient descentalgorithm doing back propagation to optimize the cost function(though the vectorized implementation is not totally mastered)

  • By some experiments, we can find that the more layers and neurals the network has, and the more epoches the model has trained, the better the complex function it can fit. Of course, it is notable that the loss can keep fluctuating even if the model has been trained for a long time.

  • Generally speaking, a small learning rate can make the model converge more steadily, but it will take more time to train the model.


  • Handwritten networks long time ago, so it't naive and weak.


  • cGAN with labels

    • Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks, actually is not very different from the normal GAN. It just uses a two-layer FC to do label embedding, and concatening the result to the input.

    • In my implementation, ignited by transformer, I just use addition instead of concatening to reduce the model size to fasten converging.

  • Pix2Pix GAN

    • Instead of embedding of labels, it uses the input image as the condition to generate the output image.

    • Here, I employ some optimization as follows

      • Reduce batch size, which seems to be a good way to gain reliable results

      • Use smoothed loss to make the model converge more steadily, where I find the least square loss is a good choice compared with the cross-entropy and L1 loss

      • Replace the deterministic maxpooling with the convolutional layer with stride 2, which can make the model generate more details

    • However, the result is still not so good without a fine-tuned hyperparameters and a large computational resource. Anyway, at least I can recognize some architectural features of the building in the generated image, hhh.

    • Besides, I do a reversed task for fun. It shows that the model truly grabs some features of the input image like horizontal lines, but it's still not good enough to generate a clear and sharp image. What's more interesting, the generator seems to find a tricky to cheat the discriminator by generating a image with scattered squares after some epoches, which is, f**k.


  • Unpaired image-to-image generate, since many times the paired (converted) image pairs are hard to gain.

  • Here we construct a cycle structure, where X part to learn dataset X, Y part to learn dataset Y. And we construct two Generator Gxy and Gyx to do bidirectional transfer.


  • In order to constrain the model with the input image, or say, prevent the model from generating irrelevant but true images, the paper introduces a cycle loss. The generated image will be recovered back and compared to the initial one, thus pushing the model to learn the input image.

    $loss_{cycle} = \frac{ ||X_{back} - X||{L1} + ||Y_back - Y||{L1} }{2}$

  • In the project, I basically reproduce the model in paper.

    The generator is mainly composed of Residual Blocks with Instance Normalization.

    The discriminator is a PatchGAN, which actually is a convolutional network instead of FC, dividing the image into N * N patches and considering each patch by an average pooling.

  • After 100 epoches, I got a nice photo-to-style transfer, while the other is not so satisfactory.

  • Besides, for fun, I use the same model to do a Chinese character style transfer between Songti and WXZ Xingkai. But the result is somewhat bad, where the shape of font almost keeps unchanged after the transform and only some tiny points like the weight and depth have some changes.

  • When I remove the ReLU layer from the last patch judge of the discriminator, the performance is highly imporoved with this more strict juding. (Results after 100 epoches show below)



    • On one hand, the model truly learns the typical features of the both fonts and applies them on the generating.

    • On the other hand, since the calligraphy is somewhat unordered, the transformation from orderly Songti to cool Xingkai seems nice, but trying to stardardize the strokes of the Xingkai is not an easy task truly. After all, sometimes it is hard for me to recognize the stroke either.


My little AI Projects for fun






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