Ribbit is a real-time collaboration tool designed for software engineers. We aim to make pair programming hassle-free and efficient.
Ribbit leverages CodeMirror, WebRTC and Socket.io technology to consolidate all coding and communication channels into a single web application. Simply open up our site in your browser to pair program while video, voice and text chatting!
Firstly make sure that you have Node and Git installed. Next clone this repo (https://github.com/ferociousFrogs/Ribbit.git) by entering the following into your terminal:
git clone https://github.com/ferociousFrogs/Ribbit.git
then change into that folder
cd Ribbit
install the necessary packages locally
npm install
and run webpack
npm run react-dev
and then you can start up a local server in a new tab within terminal
npm run server-dev
The local version of Ribbit defaults to port 3000, open up your browser and type localhost:3000
into your browser. Now your app should be up and running. If you'd like to run tests, please shut down the server by pressing control + c (mac) in the tab you ran react-dev. Run the testing suite by opening a new terminal tab and typing:
npm run test
Be sure to end the terminal testing process with control+c after testing has finished and restart your server with one of the server commands above.
- Socket.io
- WebRTC
- CodeMirror
- React (ES6)
- Redux
- Router
- Bootstrap
- Node
- Express
- postgresSQL
- Passport
- Heroku for deployment
- Jest, Enzyme, CircleCI
- Late nights and many snacks
See CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution guidelines.