Update this with a link to paper, abstract, etc.
- Create a pseudo-haploid high-accuray HiFi genome (hifiasm.sh)
- Assebmle a HiFi genome
- Extract and combine haplotype 1 &2 into a single fasta
- Train a ONT basecaller model
- Subdivide fast5 files (optional) (subdivideFast5.sh)
- Basecall fast5 files (bonito-basecall.sh)
- Iteratively perfrom basecaller training (train.sh)
- Save final model in a Guppy compatible format (train.sh)
- readAssessment
- Get read quality scores and lengths from fastq (ONT-getStats.py)
- Calculate read identity scores (accuracy versus the HiFI "Truth" genome) (readIdentity.sh)
- Combine q-scores and identity scores into a single csv file (combinedIdentityQscores.py)
- Plotting
- Create density plots for qualityAssessment data (densityPlots.py)
- Regression
- Calculate R2 and other linear regression stats (regressionStats.sh)
- Plot scatter and regression plot in percent (plotPC.py)
- Plot scatter and regression plot in phred (plotPhred.py)