Featureflow iOS SDK
Featureflow is a software delivery product.
We believe that software delivery should be enjoyable :) Featureflow keeps the business in control and makes champions of developers.
- Feature Management
- Rollout Management
- Feature Targeting
- Variant Testing
see https://www.featureflow.io/ for more details
- XCode 8.3 and Higher
- Swift 3
- iOS 9.0+
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:
$ gem install cocoapods
See https://cocoapods.org for more info on how to install and use CocoaPod
To integrate featureflowiossdk into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '9.0'
target '<Your Target Name>' do
pod 'featureflowiossdk'
private func evaluate() {
let apiKey = "<PUT-HERE-YOUR_API-KEY>"
// 1- Create a configuration
let config = FeatureflowConfig.builder().withBaseUri(baseUri: "https://app.featureflow.io").build()
// 2 - Define the target context
let context = FeatureflowContext.keyedContext(key: "uniqueuserkey1")
.withValue(key:"tier", value: "silver")
.withValue(key:"age", value: 32)
.withValue(key:"signup_date", date:Date())
.withValue(key:"user_role", value: "standard_user")
.withValue(key:"name", value: "John Smith")
.withValue(key:"email", value: "[email protected]")
// 3 - List the features of interest to you
let features = [
Feature(key:"facebook-login", variants:nil, failoverVariant: "red"),
Feature(key:"standard-login", variants:nil, failoverVariant:Variant.off)]
// 4 - Create the Featureflow client
let featureFlowClient = FeatureflowClientBuilder(apiKey:apiKey)
.withConfig(config: config).build()
// 5 - Poll the features from the server
featureFlowClient.retrieveFeatureControl(){ (featureControls, error) in
print("\(featureControls.keys.count) feature control read from the server")
// 6 - Check if Facebook login feature is on
let facebookLogonFeatureisOn = featureFlowClient.evaluate(featureKey: "facebook-login", featureflowContext: context).isOn()
print("Facebook Login integration: \(facebookLogonFeatureisOn)")