There's a twitterbot made in Python which upload a tweet once a day with the name of a famous person and her/his height (in foots and meters)
REMEMBER: You'll need an account with permissions on API Development Kit of Twitter.
You can ask for a developer account in their website
pip install tweepy
→ Library to upload tweets
pip install requests
→ Library to download the picture using http
This script will tweet this! 👇
This script will tweet every time you run it.
But, that wouldn't really be a bot because depends of a human. Not cool.
I deployed the script over a VPS on Debian 10 and make a cronjob to run the script every day at 6 pm.
00 18 * * * cd /path/to/the/where/are/the/script && /usr/bin/python3
You can read more about crontab on this website
You can read how I did this project on my website Spanish