Upcoder is an Akka based application to encode, generate gifs and thumbnails based on webhooks.
Architecture is based on a replicated set of masters (that nowadays is not deployed in that way), and a set of workers that actually perform the encoding itself.
There is a protocol defined on MasterWorkerProtocol.scala
file that is clear
To deploy the application.
git clone this_repository.git
./deploy.sh # It Builds the container
vim src/main/resources/application.conf and edit seed-nodes to point to master ip
git clone this_repository.git ./deploy.sh # It Builds the container
./deploy.sh # It Builds the container
vim src/main/resources/worker.conf and edit contact-points to point to master ip
On src/main/resources
there are files to configure every aspect that is
configurable, from S3 buckets to API credentials.
The environment of the application as well as Amazon credentials are configured
using environment variables. On worker.sh
and master.sh
there are the
GET master.upcoder.upclose.me:9000/jobs
shows some statistics
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 66
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Date: Tue, 07 Jul 2015 14:16:22 GMT
Server: spray-can/1.3.3
"doneWork": 1105,
"inProgressWork": 14,
"pendingWork": 0
POST master.upcoder.upclose.me:9000/jobs
expecting tokbox json
content to enqueue a job.
Some jobs are rejected due to tokbox don't encode correctly the videos.
To look into logs just refer to
tail -f log/app.log
Logs are also configurable in file
There is a bug on deleting files after processing them that has something to do with docker FileSystem driver, I didn't have time to research it. A workaround is just stop and delete containers and start again. It's a strange bug.
SharedJournal ip is hardcoded on Main.scala:62
that ip is basically the master ip.
Take into account that in AWS EC2 machines you cannot bind tcp sockets to public ip (DNS value for example) and you have to bind private aws ip.