Check out my good? repositories:
- Fish Game - Become fish.
- Photon VR - Photon VR is a networking library that handles: Cosmetics, colour, names and networking the player itself.
- Unity Image Downloader - Download GitHub images onto an object in Unity.
- AirJump - A mod for Gorilla Tag that lets you jump of cubes mid air! (Oculus Quest port coming soon?)
- Gorilla Texturepacks - Change the visual looks of Gorilla Tag.
- Screw Gravity - A mod that lets you change gravity in Gorilla Tag for Oculus Quest.
- Monke TV - A mod that adds a TV to Gorilla Tag.
- Smooth Turn - Adds smooth turning to Flying Squirrel Chase.
My Discord is fchb1239#5358 if you need anything.