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add support for number format internationalization
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fbaligand committed Dec 3, 2017
1 parent f363a8f commit 33ab82e
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Showing 2 changed files with 93 additions and 80 deletions.
151 changes: 73 additions & 78 deletions src/core_plugins/kibana/ui_setting_defaults.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,34 @@
import moment from 'moment-timezone';
'use strict';

export function getUiSettingDefaults() {
const weekdays = moment.weekdays().slice();
const [defaultWeekday] = weekdays;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true

var _slicedToArray = function () { function sliceIterator(arr, i) { var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _e = undefined; try { for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if (i && _arr.length === i) break; } } catch (err) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && _i["return"]) _i["return"](); } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; } return function (arr, i) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { return arr; } else if (Symbol.iterator in Object(arr)) { return sliceIterator(arr, i); } else { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance"); } }; }();

exports.getUiSettingDefaults = getUiSettingDefaults;

var _momentTimezone = require('moment-timezone');

var _momentTimezone2 = _interopRequireDefault(_momentTimezone);

var numeralLanguages = require('@elastic/numeral/languages');

function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }

function getUiSettingDefaults() {
const weekdays = _momentTimezone2.default.weekdays().slice();

var _weekdays = _slicedToArray(weekdays, 1);

const defaultWeekday = _weekdays[0];

const numeralLanguageIds = (numeralLanguage) {

// wrapped in provider so that a new instance is given to each app/test

return {
'buildNum': {
readonly: true
Expand All @@ -21,32 +45,25 @@ export function getUiSettingDefaults() {
'dateFormat': {
value: 'MMMM Do YYYY, HH:mm:ss.SSS',
description: 'When displaying a pretty formatted date, use this <a href="" target="_blank">format</a>',
description: 'When displaying a pretty formatted date, use this <a href="" target="_blank">format</a>'
'dateFormat:tz': {
value: 'Browser',
description: 'Which timezone should be used. "Browser" will use the timezone detected by your browser.',
type: 'select',
options: ['Browser',]
options: ['Browser',]
'dateFormat:scaled': {
type: 'json',
value: `[
["", "HH:mm:ss.SSS"],
["PT1S", "HH:mm:ss"],
["PT1M", "HH:mm"],
["PT1H", "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"],
["P1DT", "YYYY-MM-DD"],
["P1YT", "YYYY"]
description: (
'Values that define the format used in situations where timebased' +
' data is rendered in order, and formatted timestamps should adapt to the' +
' interval between measurements. Keys are' +
' <a href="" target="_blank">' +
'ISO8601 intervals.</a>'
description: 'Values that define the format used in situations where timebased' + ' data is rendered in order, and formatted timestamps should adapt to the' + ' interval between measurements. Keys are' + ' <a href="" target="_blank">' + 'ISO8601 intervals.</a>'
'dateFormat:dow': {
value: defaultWeekday,
Expand All @@ -56,68 +73,56 @@ export function getUiSettingDefaults() {
'defaultIndex': {
value: null,
description: 'The index to access if no index is set',
description: 'The index to access if no index is set'
'defaultColumns': {
value: ['_source'],
description: 'Columns displayed by default in the Discovery tab',
description: 'Columns displayed by default in the Discovery tab'
'metaFields': {
value: ['_source', '_id', '_type', '_index', '_score'],
description: 'Fields that exist outside of _source to merge into our document when displaying it',
description: 'Fields that exist outside of _source to merge into our document when displaying it'
'discover:sampleSize': {
value: 500,
description: 'The number of rows to show in the table',
description: 'The number of rows to show in the table'
'discover:aggs:terms:size': {
value: 20,
type: 'number',
description: 'Determines how many terms will be visualized when clicking the "visualize" ' +
'button, in the field drop downs, in the discover sidebar.'
description: 'Determines how many terms will be visualized when clicking the "visualize" ' + 'button, in the field drop downs, in the discover sidebar.'
'doc_table:highlight': {
value: true,
description: 'Highlight results in Discover and Saved Searches Dashboard.' +
'Highlighting makes requests slow when working on big documents.',
description: 'Highlight results in Discover and Saved Searches Dashboard.' + 'Highlighting makes requests slow when working on big documents.'
'doc_table:highlight:all_fields': {
value: true,
description: 'Improves highlighting by using a separate "highlight_query" that uses "all_fields" mode on "query_string" queries. ' +
'Set to false if you are using a "default_field" in your index.',
description: 'Improves highlighting by using a separate "highlight_query" that uses "all_fields" mode on "query_string" queries. ' + 'Set to false if you are using a "default_field" in your index.'
'courier:maxSegmentCount': {
value: 30,
description: 'Requests in discover are split into segments to prevent massive requests from being sent to ' +
'elasticsearch. This setting attempts to prevent the list of segments from getting too long, which might ' +
'cause requests to take much longer to process'
description: 'Requests in discover are split into segments to prevent massive requests from being sent to ' + 'elasticsearch. This setting attempts to prevent the list of segments from getting too long, which might ' + 'cause requests to take much longer to process'
'courier:ignoreFilterIfFieldNotInIndex': {
value: false,
description: 'This configuration enhances support for dashboards containing visualizations accessing dissimilar indexes. ' +
'When set to false, all filters are applied to all visualizations. ' +
'When set to true, filter(s) will be ignored for a visualization ' +
'when the visualization\'s index does not contain the filtering field.'
description: 'This configuration enhances support for dashboards containing visualizations accessing dissimilar indexes. ' + 'When set to false, all filters are applied to all visualizations. ' + 'When set to true, filter(s) will be ignored for a visualization ' + 'when the visualization\'s index does not contain the filtering field.'
'fields:popularLimit': {
value: 10,
description: 'The top N most popular fields to show',
description: 'The top N most popular fields to show'
'histogram:barTarget': {
value: 50,
description: 'Attempt to generate around this many bars when using "auto" interval in date histograms',
description: 'Attempt to generate around this many bars when using "auto" interval in date histograms'
'histogram:maxBars': {
value: 100,
description: 'Never show more than this many bars in date histograms, scale values if needed',
description: 'Never show more than this many bars in date histograms, scale values if needed'
'visualization:tileMap:maxPrecision': {
value: 7,
description: 'The maximum geoHash precision displayed on tile maps: 7 is high, 10 is very high, ' +
'12 is the max. ' +
'<a href="' +
'search-aggregations-bucket-geohashgrid-aggregation.html#_cell_dimensions_at_the_equator" target="_blank">' +
'Explanation of cell dimensions</a>',
description: 'The maximum geoHash precision displayed on tile maps: 7 is high, 10 is very high, ' + '12 is the max. ' + '<a href="' + 'search-aggregations-bucket-geohashgrid-aggregation.html#_cell_dimensions_at_the_equator" target="_blank">' + 'Explanation of cell dimensions</a>'
'visualization:tileMap:WMSdefaults': {
value: JSON.stringify({
Expand All @@ -129,7 +134,7 @@ export function getUiSettingDefaults() {
format: 'image/png',
transparent: true,
attribution: 'Maps provided by USGS',
styles: '',
styles: ''
}, null, 2),
type: 'json',
Expand All @@ -153,48 +158,43 @@ export function getUiSettingDefaults() {
'visualization:dimmingOpacity': {
type: 'number',
value: 0.5,
description: 'The opacity of the chart items that are dimmed when highlighting another element of the chart. ' +
'The lower this number, the more the highlighted element will stand out.' +
'This must be a number between 0 and 1.'
description: 'The opacity of the chart items that are dimmed when highlighting another element of the chart. ' + 'The lower this number, the more the highlighted element will stand out.' + 'This must be a number between 0 and 1.'
'csv:separator': {
value: ',',
description: 'Separate exported values with this string',
description: 'Separate exported values with this string'
'csv:quoteValues': {
value: true,
description: 'Should values be quoted in csv exports?',
description: 'Should values be quoted in csv exports?'
'history:limit': {
value: 10,
description: 'In fields that have history (e.g. query inputs), show this many recent values',
description: 'In fields that have history (e.g. query inputs), show this many recent values'
'shortDots:enable': {
value: false,
description: 'Shorten long fields, for example, instead of, show f.b.baz',
description: 'Shorten long fields, for example, instead of, show f.b.baz'
'truncate:maxHeight': {
value: 115,
description: 'The maximum height that a cell in a table should occupy. Set to 0 to disable truncation'
'indexPattern:fieldMapping:lookBack': {
value: 5,
description: 'For index patterns containing timestamps in their names, look for this many recent matching ' +
'patterns from which to query the field mapping'
description: 'For index patterns containing timestamps in their names, look for this many recent matching ' + 'patterns from which to query the field mapping'
'format:defaultTypeMap': {
type: 'json',
value: `{
"ip": { "id": "ip", "params": {} },
"date": { "id": "date", "params": {} },
"number": { "id": "number", "params": {} },
"boolean": { "id": "boolean", "params": {} },
"_source": { "id": "_source", "params": {} },
"_default_": { "id": "string", "params": {} }
description: 'Map of the format name to use by default for each field type. ' +
'"_default_" is used if the field type is not mentioned explicitly'
description: 'Map of the format name to use by default for each field type. ' + '"_default_" is used if the field type is not mentioned explicitly'
'format:number:defaultPattern': {
type: 'string',
Expand All @@ -216,6 +216,12 @@ export function getUiSettingDefaults() {
value: '($0,0.[00])',
description: 'Default <a href="" target="_blank">numeral format</a> for the "currency" format'
'format:number:defaultLocale': {
value: 'en',
type: 'select',
options: numeralLanguageIds,
description: '<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">numeral language</a>'
'savedObjects:perPage': {
type: 'number',
value: 5,
Expand All @@ -228,8 +234,7 @@ export function getUiSettingDefaults() {
'timepicker:timeDefaults': {
type: 'json',
value: `{
"from": "now-15m",
"to": "now",
"mode": "quick"
Expand All @@ -238,8 +243,7 @@ export function getUiSettingDefaults() {
'timepicker:refreshIntervalDefaults': {
type: 'json',
value: `{
"display": "Off",
"pause": false,
"value": 0
Expand All @@ -256,8 +260,7 @@ export function getUiSettingDefaults() {
'filterEditor:suggestValues': {
value: false,
description: 'Set this property to `true` to have the filter editor suggest values for fields, ' +
'instead of just providing a text input. This may result in heavy queries to Elasticsearch.'
description: 'Set this property to `true` to have the filter editor suggest values for fields, ' + 'instead of just providing a text input. This may result in heavy queries to Elasticsearch.'
'notifications:banner': {
type: 'markdown',
Expand All @@ -266,51 +269,43 @@ export function getUiSettingDefaults() {
'notifications:lifetime:banner': {
value: 3000000,
description: 'The time in milliseconds which a banner notification ' +
'will be displayed on-screen for. Setting to Infinity will disable.'
description: 'The time in milliseconds which a banner notification ' + 'will be displayed on-screen for. Setting to Infinity will disable.'
'notifications:lifetime:error': {
value: 300000,
description: 'The time in milliseconds which an error notification ' +
'will be displayed on-screen for. Setting to Infinity will disable.'
description: 'The time in milliseconds which an error notification ' + 'will be displayed on-screen for. Setting to Infinity will disable.'
'notifications:lifetime:warning': {
value: 10000,
description: 'The time in milliseconds which a warning notification ' +
'will be displayed on-screen for. Setting to Infinity will disable.'
description: 'The time in milliseconds which a warning notification ' + 'will be displayed on-screen for. Setting to Infinity will disable.'
'notifications:lifetime:info': {
value: 5000,
description: 'The time in milliseconds which an information notification ' +
'will be displayed on-screen for. Setting to Infinity will disable.'
description: 'The time in milliseconds which an information notification ' + 'will be displayed on-screen for. Setting to Infinity will disable.'
'metrics:max_buckets': {
value: 2000,
description: 'The maximum number of buckets a single datasource can return'
'state:storeInSessionStorage': {
value: false,
description: 'The URL can sometimes grow to be too large for some browsers to ' +
'handle. To counter-act this we are testing if storing parts of the URL in ' +
'sessions storage could help. Please let us know how it goes!'
description: 'The URL can sometimes grow to be too large for some browsers to ' + 'handle. To counter-act this we are testing if storing parts of the URL in ' + 'sessions storage could help. Please let us know how it goes!'
'indexPattern:placeholder': {
value: 'logstash-*',
description: 'The placeholder for the field "Index name or pattern" in the "Settings > Indices" tab.',
description: 'The placeholder for the field "Index name or pattern" in the "Settings > Indices" tab.'
'context:defaultSize': {
value: 5,
description: 'The number of surrounding entries to show in the context view',
description: 'The number of surrounding entries to show in the context view'
'context:step': {
value: 5,
description: 'The step size to increment or decrement the context size by',
description: 'The step size to increment or decrement the context size by'
'context:tieBreakerFields': {
value: ['_doc'],
description: 'A comma-separated list of fields to use for tiebreaking between documents ' +
'that have the same timestamp value. From this list the first field that ' +
'is present and sortable in the current index pattern is used.',
description: 'A comma-separated list of fields to use for tiebreaking between documents ' + 'that have the same timestamp value. From this list the first field that ' + 'is present and sortable in the current index pattern is used.'
22 changes: 20 additions & 2 deletions src/ui/public/stringify/types/_numeral.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,11 +2,20 @@ import _ from 'lodash';
import 'ui/field_format_editor/numeral/numeral';
import { IndexPatternsFieldFormatProvider } from 'ui/index_patterns/_field_format/field_format';
import { BoundToConfigObjProvider } from 'ui/bound_to_config_obj';
import numeral from '@elastic/numeral';
import numeralLanguages from '@elastic/numeral/languages';

const numeralInst = numeral();

numeralLanguages.forEach(function (numeralLanguage) {
numeral.language(, numeralLanguage.lang);

export function StringifyTypesNumeralProvider(Private) {
const FieldFormat = Private(IndexPatternsFieldFormatProvider);
const BoundToConfigObj = Private(BoundToConfigObjProvider);
const numeral = require('numeral')();

function Numeral(params) {
Expand All @@ -22,7 +31,15 @@ export function StringifyTypesNumeralProvider(Private) {

if (isNaN(val)) return '';

return numeral.set(val).format(this.param('pattern'));
const previousLocale = numeral.language();
const defaultLocale = this.param('locale');

const formatted = numeralInst.set(val).format(this.param('pattern'));


return formatted;

Expand All @@ -38,6 +55,7 @@ export function StringifyTypesNumeralProvider(Private) {

Class.paramDefaults = opts.paramDefaults || new BoundToConfigObj({
pattern: '=format:' + + ':defaultPattern',
locale: '=format:number:defaultLocale'

Class.editor = {
Expand Down

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