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Hi there πŸ‘‹

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» About Me

I’m an AI researcher specializing in time-series and image analysis, with expertise in developing models for medical imaging and graph-based machine learning. My work spans CNNs, RNN-based models, Transformers, and Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), with research published in renowned journals and conferences.

πŸ’‘ Interests

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Time-Series Analysis (BOLD siganal)

Medical Imaging (fMRI, sMRI, X-ray analysis)

Advanced AI Models (CNNs, RNNs, Transformers, GNNs)

πŸ”­ Recent Projects

Published research on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) classification using GNNs and ML.

Master's thesis on fMRI-based ASD detection leveraging Tangent Pearson Embedding and advanced classifiers.

Explored 3D CNN models for Alzheimer's diagnosis from MRI data as Bachelor's thesis.

🌱 Current Goals

Advancing research in Computational Neuroscience and Image Processing.

πŸ“« Let’s Connect I’m always open to collaboration on AI, healthcare, and tech-based projects. Feel free to reach out!

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