Farkas Weather Analysis for raspberry Pi
This code fetches data from MPL3115A2 and Si7021 breakout boards, both built by Adafruit.
The MPL3115A2 library is more or less a copy of the Adafruit CircuitPython MPL3115A2 library, but written using smbus2 so that it can run on Linux.
To read from the MPL3115A2 chip:
from MPL3115A2 import MPL3115A2
chip = MPL3115A2(1)
print("🗻 Altitude is %.3f" % chip.altitude)
print("🌬 Pressure is %.2f" % chip.pressure)
temp = chip.temperature
print("🌡 Temp is %.3f°C (%.3f°F)" % (temp, (temp * 1.8 + 32.0)))
🗻 Altitude is 36.438
🌬 Pressure is 101764.50
🌡 Temp is 18.500°C (65.300°F)