random forest classifier
A random forest classifier written in python.
There are three files here:
just run the main.py file using the following comment:
python main.py
or click run in IDE
# select the best branch to split, return the indext of the best feature
def chooseBest_ToSplit(dataSet):
sub_data,feature_index = rf.subfeatures(dataSet) #comment this line when just run decision tree
num_of_Features = len(dataSet[0]) - 1 #number of features
baseEntropy = cal_entropy(dataSet)
bestIG = 0.0;
bestFeature = -1 #intialize the index of the best feature
#for i in range(num_of_Features): ##uncomment this code line when just run decision tree
for i in feature_index: #traverse the i-th features #comment this line when just run decision tree
featureSet = set([data[i] for data in dataSet]) #the values of the i-th feature
newEntropy= 0.0
for value in featureSet:
subDataSet = split_DataSet(dataSet, i, value)
prob = len(subDataSet)/float(len(dataSet))
newEntropy += prob * cal_entropy(subDataSet) #entropy based on this feature
curr_IG = baseEntropy - newEntropy #get the current Information Gain
if curr_IG > bestIG: # get the best Information Gain
bestIG = curr_IG
bestFeature = i
return bestFeature
python main_dt.py
implement ID3 algorithm including(main functions):
cal_entropy: calculate the entropy which can help to get the IG
chooseBest_ToSplit: find the best feature to split the node
creatTree: build a tree
prdict: for a given test data, to prodict it's class based on the tree
accuracy: calculate the accuracy -
implement 100% boostrap and randomly subspace:
divbootstrap: Build new 100% bootstrap samples by randomly selecting N examples from the training data with replacement
subfeatures: randomly choose m features and used it in the funciton chooseBest_ToSplit within the decisiontree.py
buildtrees: build a set of tree base on the bootstrap samples and sub features
random_predict: for a given test data, to prodict it's class based on the tree
majorvoting: Use majority voting to make predictions based on all T trees
random_accuracy:calculate the accuracy -
used to test. there are three datasets used:
tennis.csv, banks.csv and politics.csv
used split to get the training set for every csv file get the accuracy