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Fractional Cover (fc)

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Fractional Cover measures the photosynthetic, non-photosynthetic and bare earth components of a Landsat image.

Fractional cover is available as a part of Digital Earth Australia environment modules on the NCI. These can be used after logging into the NCI and running:

module load dea

Setup on VDI

The first time you try to use raijin PBS commands from VDI, you will need to run:

$ remote-hpc-cmd init

See for more details.

You will also need to setup datacube to work from VDI and raijin.

$ ssh raijin "cat .pgpass" >> ~/.pgpass
$ chmod 0600 ~/.pgpass

See for full details.


The Fractional Cover application works in 2 parts:

  1. Creating the task list
  2. Check for unexpected existing files - these were most likely created during an run that did not successfully finish.
  3. Submit the job to raijin.

To run fractional cover:

$ module use /g/data/v10/public/modules/modulefiles/
$ module load dea
This will list the available app configs::
$ datacube-fc list ls5_fc_albers.yaml ls7_fc_albers.yaml ls8_fc_albers.yaml

To submit the job to raijin, the datacube-fc app has a the datacube-fc submit command: This command kick off two stage PBS job

Stage 1 (Generate task file):

The task-app machinery loads a config file, from a path specified on the command line, into a dict.

If dry is enabled, a dummy DatasetType is created for tasks generation without indexing the product in the database. If dry run is disabled, generate tasks into file and queue PBS job to process them.

Stage 2 (Run):
During normal run, following are performed:
  1. Tasks (loadables (nbart,ps,dsm) + output targets) shall be yielded for dispatch to workers.
  2. Load data
  3. Run FC algorithm
  4. Attach metadata
  5. Write output files and
  6. Finally index the newly created FC output files

If dry run is enabled, application only prepares a list of output files to be created and does not record anything in the database.

Usage: datacube-fc submit [OPTIONS]


  • -q, --queue [normal|express] The queue to use, either normal or express
  • -P, --project TEXT The project to use
  • --year TEXT Limit the process to a particular year
  • --no-qsub Skip submitting job
  • --tag TEXT Unique id for the job
  • --app-config PATH Fractional Cover app configuration file
  • --dry-run Do not record anything into the database
  • -m, --email-options [a|b|e|n|ae|ab|be|abe] Send Email when execution is,
    [a = aborted | b = begins | e = ends | n = do not send email]
  • -M, --email-id TEXT Email Recipient List
  • -C, --config, --config_file TEXT Datacube config file
  • -v, --verbose Use multiple times for more verbosity
  • --help Show help message.

Tracking progress

$ qstat -u $USER

$ qcat 7517348.r-man2 | head

$ qcat 7517348.r-man2 | tail

$ qps 7517348.r-man2

File locations

The config file (eg. ls5_fc_albers.yaml) specifies the app settings, and is found in the module.

You will need to check the folder of the latest dea module:

ls /g/data/v10/public/modules/dea/<YYYYMMDD>/lib/python3.6/site-packages/fc/config

The config file lists the output location and file_path_template``, as shown in this snippet:

source_type: ls5_nbar_albers
output_type: ls5_fc_albers

description: Landsat 5 Fractional Cover 25 metre, 100km tile, Australian Albers Equal Area projection (EPSG:3577)
product_type: fractional_cover

location: '/g/data/fk4/datacube/002/'
file_path_template: 'LS5_TM_FC/{tile_index[0]}_{tile_index[1]}/LS5_TM_FC_3577_{tile_index[0]}_{tile_index[1]}_{start_time}_v{version}.nc'

So here the output files are saved to /g/data/fk4/datacube/002/FC/LS5_TM_FC/<tile_index>/*.nc


This repository is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file in this repository for details.


Geoscience Australia developers:

Joshua Sixsmith [email protected]

Jeremy Hooke [email protected]

Damien Ayers [email protected]

Algorithm developer:

Peter Scarth [email protected]


Fractional Cover







No packages published


  • Python 93.6%
  • Fortran 6.3%
  • Shell 0.1%