Fractional Cover measures the photosynthetic, non-photosynthetic and bare earth components of a Landsat image.
Fractional cover is available as a part of Digital Earth Australia environment modules on the NCI. These can be used after logging into the NCI and running:
module load dea
The first time you try to use raijin PBS commands from VDI, you will need to run:
$ remote-hpc-cmd init
See for more details.
You will also need to setup datacube to work from VDI and raijin.
$ ssh raijin "cat .pgpass" >> ~/.pgpass $ chmod 0600 ~/.pgpass
See for full details.
The Fractional Cover application works in 2 parts:
- Creating the task list
- Check for unexpected existing files - these were most likely created during an run that did not successfully finish.
- Submit the job to raijin.
To run fractional cover:
$ module use /g/data/v10/public/modules/modulefiles/ $ module load dea
- This will list the available app configs::
- $ datacube-fc list ls5_fc_albers.yaml ls7_fc_albers.yaml ls8_fc_albers.yaml
To submit the job to raijin, the datacube-fc app has a the datacube-fc submit
This command kick off two stage PBS job
- Stage 1 (Generate task file):
The task-app machinery loads a config file, from a path specified on the command line, into a dict.
If dry is enabled, a dummy DatasetType is created for tasks generation without indexing the product in the database. If dry run is disabled, generate tasks into file and queue PBS job to process them.
- Stage 2 (Run):
- During normal run, following are performed:
- Tasks (loadables (nbart,ps,dsm) + output targets) shall be yielded for dispatch to workers.
- Load data
- Run FC algorithm
- Attach metadata
- Write output files and
- Finally index the newly created FC output files
If dry run is enabled, application only prepares a list of output files to be created and does not record anything in the database.
Usage: datacube-fc submit [OPTIONS]
-q, --queue [normal|express]
The queue to use, eithernormal
-P, --project TEXT
The project to use--year TEXT
Limit the process to a particular year--no-qsub
Skip submitting job--tag TEXT
Unique id for the job--app-config PATH
Fractional Cover app configuration file--dry-run
Do not record anything into the database-m, --email-options [a|b|e|n|ae|ab|be|abe]
Send Email when execution is,- [a = aborted | b = begins | e = ends | n = do not send email]
-M, --email-id TEXT
Email Recipient List-C, --config, --config_file TEXT
Datacube config file-v, --verbose
Use multiple times for more verbosity--help
Show help message.
$ qstat -u $USER $ qcat 7517348.r-man2 | head $ qcat 7517348.r-man2 | tail $ qps 7517348.r-man2
The config file (eg. ls5_fc_albers.yaml) specifies the app settings, and is found in the module.
You will need to check the folder of the latest dea
ls /g/data/v10/public/modules/dea/<YYYYMMDD>/lib/python3.6/site-packages/fc/config
The config file lists the output location and file_path_template``, as shown in this snippet:
source_type: ls5_nbar_albers output_type: ls5_fc_albers description: Landsat 5 Fractional Cover 25 metre, 100km tile, Australian Albers Equal Area projection (EPSG:3577) product_type: fractional_cover location: '/g/data/fk4/datacube/002/' file_path_template: 'LS5_TM_FC/{tile_index[0]}_{tile_index[1]}/LS5_TM_FC_3577_{tile_index[0]}_{tile_index[1]}_{start_time}_v{version}.nc'
So here the output files are saved to /g/data/fk4/datacube/002/FC/LS5_TM_FC/<tile_index>/*.nc
This repository is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file in this repository for details.
Geoscience Australia developers:
Joshua Sixsmith [email protected]
Jeremy Hooke [email protected]
Damien Ayers [email protected]
Algorithm developer:
Peter Scarth [email protected]