(This project is forked from https://github.com/mtkocak/authake with the mission of enhancing the features and customize it based on my preference. All credit shall go to the original author.)
Authake is finally arrived to CakePHP 2.2.3 and is (another) solution to manage users and groups and their rights in a CakePHP platform, as well as their registration, email confirmation and password changing requests. It’s composed by a component, a plugin, and a helper.
Newest features are:
- Totally new look & feel. New interface using twitter bootstrap library
- Generated schema file to use cache schema create
- Total adaptation to CakePHP 2.2.3
- Totally new Dashboard
- Gravatar Support
- Better alerts
- Beautiful navigation and breadcrumbs
- html5shiv support for older browsers
- Dropdown lists for commands
- Help file with regex information
- Settings page (needs some effort)
- Better readme files with markdowns
Further changes are here for your contribution:
- sha1 security
- long id's
- settings save issue
- For questions and issues: [email protected]
For install instructions and feedback, please go to Authake home page: http://www.mtkocak.net/?p=333
Unzip the plugin to your app/Plugin folder with the name Authake. Case is important, lowercase folder name does not work.
You have to have in your bootstrap.php
CakePlugin::loadAll(); //or CakePlugin::load('Authake');
You can create schema from plugin using command to console terminal when you are in your app folder:
Console/cake schema create -plugin Authake
Or Alternatively you can add the Authake/db/authake_clean.sql to your database.
Add this to your config/database.php to make authake work.
The idea behind this is that it would be possible to have 1 Authake instalation which handle multiple apps.
var $authake = array( 'datasource' => 'Database/Mysql', 'persistent' => false, 'host' => 'localhost', 'login' => ", //username for the db 'password' => ", //password for the db 'database' => 'authake', //or any other where you have imported the authake.sql file 'prefix' => ", );
Create AppController.php in you'r app's Controller folder first.
Change it's contents like this: UPDATED: No need debug_kit anymore
auth(); } private function auth(){ Configure::write('Authake.useDefaultLayout', true); $this->Authake->beforeFilter($this); } } ?> -
Use username: admin password: admin to login
For any question [email protected]