- Feynman Writing Prompts - Write out explanations of the following concepts like you are explaining it to a 12 year old. Doing this will help you quickly discover any holes in your understanding. Ask your questions on Slack.
- react router
<Router />
(BrowserRouter)<Route />
<Link />
andnpm install
- Fork and clone this repo.
- Create a boilerplate React app called me.
create-react-app me
- Navigate into /me and run the command:
npm start
should return the<Router />
component as the base.- Add a header to the top of your page with three
<Link />
components. - Create three components that will be three different "pages" that you will render.
- The first comopnent should be called
<About />
and should display some fun facts about yourself. - The second comopnent should be called
<Hobbies />
and should display a list of your favorite hobbies. - The third component should be called
<Media />
and should display some pictures that you like. - Link to these three components from the header and display them when you navigate to the appropriate paths.
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