A custom WordPress plugin to manage a company staff and departments.
Clone the repo or download the latest release from Github.
In the WordPress plugins area, choose to upload a new plugin. Upload the zip file located at staff-grid/dist/staff-grid.zip
For manual installation, copy the plugin directory found in staff-grid/src
into the wp-content/plugins
folder. Activate the plugin from the WordPress admin area.
This plugin is just a custom post type, taxonomies, and ACF fields. You will need to write a custom query in order to output items to the themes front-end.
// WP_Query arguments
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'f1_staffgrid_cpt',
'f1_staffgrid_tax' => 'leadership', // Example (only show items from the "Leadership" category)
'meta_key' => 'last_name',
'orderby' => 'meta_value',
'order' => 'ASC'
// The Query
$staff = new WP_Query( $args );
if ($staff->have_posts()) : while ($staff->have_posts()) : $staff->the_post();
// Do something
endwhile; endif; wp_reset_postdata();
The default ACF fields:
- Position/Title:
the_field( 'title' );
- Phone:
the_field( 'phone' );
- Email:
the_field( 'email_address' );
- Bio:
the_field( 'staff_bio' );
- Twitter:
the_field( 'twitter_url' );
- Facebook:
the_field( 'facebook_url' );
- LinkedIn:
the_field( 'linkedin_url' );
- Instagram:
the_field( 'instagram_url' );
It is a good idea to wrap these in conditional logic so that they will only be displayed if there is a value.
if (get_field( 'title' )) {
printf('<p>%s</p>', get_field( 'title' ));
New, working shortcodes have been added in 2.4.0
. There are three attributes
you can add to the shortcode. All staff grid items output from the shortcode are
sorted ASC by menu order.
- department - show staff items pertaining to a certain department (Default:
- shows all) - thumb-size - thumbnail size to use for the image. (Default:
) - show - number of staff items to show. (Default:
Show 5 developers with a small thumbnail size:
[f1-staff-grid department="developers" show="5" thumb-size="small"]