Hanqing Zeng* ([email protected]), Hanjia Lyu* ([email protected]), Diyi Hu, Yinglong Xia, Jiebo Luo
*: equal contribution
- run vanilla GCN on flickr, one run
python main.py --dataset flickr --method baseline --model2 GCN
- run Mowst*-GCN on ogbn-products, one run, and the input features for the gating module only contain dispersion
python main.py --dataset product --method mowst_star --model2 GCN --original_data false
- run Mowst-Sage on pokec, one run, and the input features for the gating module contain dispersion and the node self-features
python main.py --dataset pokec --method mowst --model2 Sage --original_data true
- run Mowst-Sage on penn94 (grid search, 10 runs), and the input features for the gating module contain dispersion and the node self-features
python main.py --dataset penn94 --method mowst --model2 Sage --original_data true --setting ten
python main.py --dataset flickr --method mowst --submethod pretrain_model2 --subloss separate --infer_method multi --original_data false --model2 GCN --model1_hidden_dim 128 --model2_hidden_dim 128 --model1_num_layers 3 --model2_num_layers 3 --lr 0.1 --lr_gate 0.01 --weight_decay 0.0005 --dropout 0.3 --dropout_gate 0.5
python main.py --dataset product --method mowst_star --submethod pretrain_model2 --subloss joint --infer_method joint --no_cached --crit crossentropy --original_data true --model2 GCN --model1_hidden_dim 256 --model2_hidden_dim 256 --model1_num_layers 3 --model2_num_layers 3 --lr 0.01 --lr_gate 0.01 --weight_decay 0 --dropout 0.5 --dropout_gate 0.5
python main.py --dataset arxiv --method mowst_star --submethod pretrain_model2 --subloss joint --infer_method joint --crit crossentropy --original_data true --model2 GCN --model1_hidden_dim 256 --model2_hidden_dim 256 --model1_num_layers 3 --model2_num_layers 3 --lr 0.001 --lr_gate 0.001 --weight_decay 0 --dropout 0.2 --dropout_gate 0.5
python main.py --dataset penn94 --method mowst_star --submethod pretrain_model2 --subloss joint --infer_method joint --no_cached --crit crossentropy --original_data false --model2 GCN --model1_hidden_dim 64 --model2_hidden_dim 64 --model1_num_layers 2 --model2_num_layers 2 --lr 0.1 --lr_gate 0.01 --weight_decay 0.001 --dropout 0.1 --dropout_gate 0.5
python main.py --dataset pokec --method mowst_star --submethod pretrain_model1 --subloss joint --infer_method joint --no_cached --crit crossentropy --original_data false --model2 GCN --model1_hidden_dim 64 --model2_hidden_dim 64 --model1_num_layers 2 --model2_num_layers 2 --lr 0.1 --lr_gate 0.001 --weight_decay 0.001 --dropout 0.2 --dropout_gate 0.3
python main.py --dataset twitch-gamer --method mowst --submethod none --subloss separate --infer_method multi --no_cached --crit nllloss --original_data false --model2 GCN --model1_hidden_dim 64 --model2_hidden_dim 64 --model1_num_layers 2 --model2_num_layers 2 --lr 0.1 --lr_gate 0.1 --weight_decay 0.001 --dropout 0.2 --dropout_gate 0.1
python main.py --dataset flickr --method mowst_star --submethod pretrain_model2 --subloss joint --infer_method joint --model2 GIN --crit crossentropy --original_data false --model1_hidden_dim 256 --model2_hidden_dim 256 --model1_num_layers 3 --model2_num_layers 3 --early_signal val_acc --lr 0.001 --lr_gate 0.001 --weight_decay 0.0005 --dropout 0.1 --dropout_gate 0.5
python main.py --dataset arxiv --method mowst_star --submethod pretrain_model2 --subloss joint --infer_method joint --crit crossentropy --model2 GIN --original_data false --model1_hidden_dim 256 --model2_hidden_dim 256 --model1_num_layers 3 --model2_num_layers 3 --early_signal val_acc --lr 0.001 --lr_gate 0.001 --weight_decay 0 --dropout 0.1 --dropout_gate 0.5
python main.py --dataset penn94 --method mowst_star --submethod pretrain_model2 --subloss joint --infer_method joint --no_cached --crit crossentropy --model2 GIN --original_data false --model1_hidden_dim 12 --model2_hidden_dim 12 --model1_num_layers 2 --model2_num_layers 2 --early_signal val_acc --lr 0.001 --lr_gate 0.001 --weight_decay 0.001 --dropout 0.5 --dropout_gate 0.1
python main.py --dataset pokec --method mowst_star --submethod pretrain_model2 --subloss joint --infer_method joint --no_cached --crit crossentropy --model2 GIN --original_data false -- model1_hidden_dim 4 --model2_hidden_dim 4 --model1_num_layers 2 --model2_num_layers 2 --early_signal val_acc --lr 0.01 --lr_gate 0.001 --weight_decay 0.001 --dropout 0.1 --dropout_gate 0.1
python main.py --dataset twitch-gamer --method mowst_star --submethod pretrain_model2 --subloss joint --infer_method joint --no_cached --crit crossentropy --model2 GIN --original_data false --model1_hidden_dim 12 --model2_hidden_dim 12 --model1_num_layers 2 --model2_num_layers 2 --early_signal val_acc --lr 0.01 --lr_gate 0.01 --weight_decay 0.001 --dropout 0.1 --dropout_gate 0.5
python main.py --dataset pokec --method mowst_star --submethod pretrain_model2 --subloss joint --infer_method joint --no_cached --crit crossentropy --model2 gin_mlp_res --original_data false --model1_hidden_dim 64 --model2_hidden_dim 64 --model1_num_layers 2 --model2_num_layers 2 --early_signal val_loss --lr 0.01 --lr_gate 0.001 --weight_decay 0.001 --dropout 0.1 --dropout_gate 0.5
python main.py --dataset twitch-gamer --method mowst_star --submethod pretrain_model2 --subloss joint --infer_method joint --no_cached --crit crossentropy --model2 gin_mlp_res --original_data false --model1_hidden_dim 64 --model2_hidden_dim 64 --model1_num_layers 2 --model2_num_layers 2 --early_signal val_loss --lr 0.01 --lr_gate 0.001 --weight_decay 0.001 --dropout 0.1 --dropout_gate 0.1
python main.py --dataset flickr --method mowst_star --submethod pretrain_both --subloss joint --infer_method joint --original_data true --model2 Sage --crit crossentropy model1_hidden_dim 12 --model2_hidden_dim 12 --model1_num_layers 3 --model2_num_layers 3 --lr 0.01 --lr_gate 0.01 --weight_decay 0.0005 --dropout 0.5 --dropout_gate 0.5
python main.py --dataset product --method mowst_star --submethod pretrain_model1 --subloss joint --infer_method joint --crit crossentropy --original_data true --model2 Sage --model1_hidden_dim 256 --model2_hidden_dim 256 --model1_num_layers 3 --model2_num_layers 3 --early_signal val_loss --lr 0.01 --lr_gate 0.01 --weight_decay 0 --dropout 0.1 --dropout_gate 0.5
python main.py --dataset arxiv --method mowst --submethod pretrain_model2 --subloss separate --infer_method multi --crit nllloss --original_data false --model2 Sage --model1_hidden_dim 512 --model2_hidden_dim 512 --model1_num_layers 4 --model2_num_layers 4 --early_signal val_acc --lr 0.01 --lr_gate 0.01 --weight_decay 0 --dropout 0.3 --dropout_gate 0.5
python main.py --dataset penn94 --method mowst_star --submethod pretrain_model2 --subloss joint --infer_method joint --no_cached --crit crossentropy --original_data true --model2 Sage --model1_hidden_dim 32 --model2_hidden_dim 32 --model1_num_layers 2 --model2_num_layers 2 --lr 0.01 --lr_gate 0.001 --weight_decay 0.001 --dropout 0.5 --dropout_gate 0.5
python main.py --dataset pokec --method mowst --submethod pretrain_model2 --subloss separate --infer_method multi --no_cached --crit nllloss --original_data true --model2 Sage --model1_hidden_dim 12 --model2_hidden_dim 12 --model1_num_layers 2 --model2_num_layers 2 --lr 0.1 --lr_gate 0.1 --weight_decay 0.001 --dropout 0.1 --dropout_gate 0.1
python main.py --dataset twitch-gamer --method mowst --submethod pretrain_model2 --subloss separate --infer_method multi --no_cached --crit nllloss --original_data false --model2 Sage --model1_hidden_dim 32 --model2_hidden_dim 32 --model1_num_layers 2 --model2_num_layers 2 --lr 0.01 --lr_gate 0.01 --weight_decay 0.001 --dropout 0.3 --dropout_gate 0.1
Mowst is MIT licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.
title={Mixture of Weak and Strong Experts on Graphs},
author={Hanqing Zeng and Hanjia Lyu and Diyi Hu and Yinglong Xia and Jiebo Luo},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},