This project uses NextRTC Signaling Server project (which is no longer maintained). I added custom signals, room max participants limit, and other constraints, to provide a complete video call solution between two clients. It is cluster aware by using a distributed event bus backed by Hazelcast with node auto discovery.
- Uses Maven 3.6.x. You can use
if you don't have Maven installed in your host. - Uses Spring Boot 2.5.5.
- After Spring Boot repackages the final JAR file, a Docker image can be built using the profile
. So you need to get Docker installed and running. - Runs on Java 8 and Java 11 (default profile is
). - Native image generation using GraalVM: It is enabled with profile
. Currently struggling with Spring Graal Native plugin to correctly create a native image.
(Skip this step if you want to use current self signed certificate or already have your own certificate in your keystore. Don't forget to edit file accordingly)
Generate a self-signed certificate and import it into custom keystore:
cd src/main/resources
rm -f local-keystore.jks
keytool -genkey -alias serverca -validity 1095 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -dname "cn=Server" -ext bc:c -keystore local-keystore.jks -keypass servercapass -storepass servercapass
accordingly if you have made changes on any of above information.
Optional: Export certificate file in X.509 format:
keytool -export -rfc -alias serverca -keystore local-keystore.jks -storepass servercapass -file signaling-self.crt
The rfc keyword specifies base64-encoded output.
(Skip this step if you want to use current self signed certificate or already have your own certificate in your keystore. Don't forget to edit file accordingly)
Script chain_certificate.<sh|bat>
generates a chain certificate signed by a root certificate. Provides SAN info to validate local domains as:
Last three ips belongs to Docker host ips in Windows and Linux.
cd src/main/resources/scripts
cd ..
mv -f scripts/local-keystore.jks local-keystore.jks
cd src\main\resources\scripts
cd ..
move /Y scripts\local-keystore.jks local-keystore.jks
Option /Y forces overwrite exisitng file
accordingly if you have made changes on chain-certificate.<sh|bat>
Current videochat example uses insecure endpoint so any authorization is skipped.
If you want to use the secure endpoint then you will need to generate a key pair and a valid JWT.
We are going to generate public and private key pair using RSA algorithm to later use them to sign JWTs.
Enter into profiles
cd src/main/resources/profiles
Ouput private key in PEM or base64 format:
openssl genrsa -out jwt_local_private.key 2048
Convert private Key to PKCS#8 format (so Java can read it):
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in jwt_local_private.key -out jwt_local_private.der -nocrypt
Output public key portion in PEM or base64 format:
openssl rsa -in jwt_local_private.key -pubout -out jwt_local_public.key
rm -f jwt_local_private.key
Output public key portion in DER format (so Java can read it):
openssl rsa -in jwt_local_private.key -pubout -outform DER -out jwt_local_public.der
- First you need to get your user id. You can obtain it directly from the
User Id
input textbox form the videochat example page. - If you have opened a second window/tab for videochat then keep that new
User Id
too. - Visit Debugger section, and generate a RSA256 token:
- Use that token to populate HTTP Header
(on browsers you will need a plugin). - Use the first User Id value (fromUid) to populate HTTP Header
(on browsers you will need a plugin).
(active by default)
Sets JWT's signer and verifier private and public keys. -
(active by default)
Sets compiler target to Java 11 and also uses Dockerfile.java11 file for image generation. -
Sets compiler target to Java 8 and also uses Dockerfile.java8 file for image generation. -
(active by default)
Disable a Spring profile repsonsibly to allow communication between nodes. -
Enables a Spring profile which allows the use of a distributed eventbus between exisiting nodes. -
Fires a docker image creation after package is created. It disables native image generation option. -
Native image generation using Graal Native Image. It disables docker creation option.
mvn clean package -P local,eventbus-hazelcast,java11
- Import as Maven project.
- Active profiles: using
select local, eventbus-local, java11 profiles. - Edit accordingly. Be aware server.port value is 8443.
- Build project:
. - You can the app if using Eclipse Spring Suite Tools: just run
as Spring Boot App.
- Edit accordingly. Be aware server.port value is 8443.
- Run:
mvn clean package
java -jar target/signaling.jar
- From your client app access it via:
- wss://
- Or the secured endpoint which after HTTP Upgrade to Websocket it expects and validates headers vcuser and vctoken:
- wss://
See NextRTC Video Chat exmaple section.
- wss://
The next message repeats in the logs 3 times:
... INFO [main] NextRTCEndpoint: Setted server: org.nextrtc.signalingserver.domain.Server@61c58320 to org.fabri1983.signaling.configuration.SignalingConfiguration$2@10e4ee33
... INFO [main] NextRTCEndpoint: Setted server: org.nextrtc.signalingserver.domain.Server@61c58320 to org.fabri1983.signaling.configuration.SignalingConfiguration$2@10e4ee33
... INFO [main] NextRTCEndpoint: Setted server: org.nextrtc.signalingserver.domain.Server@61c58320 to org.fabri1983.signaling.configuration.SignalingConfiguration$2@10e4ee33
This is due to the nature of NextRTCEndpoint
class which has a mix of Singleton
pattern, @Component
, and has @Inject
in method setServer()
Nevertheless, as the log lines show, the Server
bean is created only once. And so it does for the NextRTCEndpoint
bean defined in the
Enter in any browser. The use of https is important because default http handler isn't configured.
Accept untrusted certificate.
You can use query param forceTurn=true in order to force relay ICE Transport Policy and so test your TURN server:
Sometimes websocket (js side) is throwing an exception and can't connect via websocket o signiling server, then try to change localhost to
This is a working test of the Signaling Server and the videochat client using a Chrome tab on my laptop and an Opera tab on my mobile phone. Server exposed with ngrok.
Use jdeps
to know which java modules the final application needs to run. Note that we are using --multi-release=11
NOTE: this guide is only valid for Spring Boot fat JAR due to internal structure.
mkdir target\jdeps-workdir
cd target\jdeps-workdir && jar -xf ..\signaling.jar && cd ..\..
jdeps --add-modules=ALL-MODULE-PATH --ignore-missing-deps --multi-release=11 --print-module-deps ^
-cp target\jdeps-workdir\BOOT-INF\lib\* target\jdeps-workdir\BOOT-INF\classes
- Linux:
mkdir target\jdeps-workdir
cd target\jdeps-workdir && jar -xf ..\signaling.jar && cd ..\..
jdeps --add-modules=ALL-MODULE-PATH --ignore-missing-deps --multi-release=11 --print-module-deps \
-cp target/jdeps-workdir/BOOT-INF/lib/* target/jdeps-workdir/BOOT-INF/classes
- Example Output:
NOTE: this guide is only valid for Spring Boot Fat JAR due to internal structure.
First pack the Signaling Server in a Fat JAR artifact using Spring Boot maven plugin:
mvn clean package -P local,eventbus-hazelcast,java11,docker
- Create a multi layer Docker image for Spring Boot app:
In order to take advantage of less frequency changes the Dockerfile.java8 file and
Dockerfile.java11 file both define a multi layer image, so next time image build is
fired it only updates application code.
Script docker-build.<bat|sh> is moved totarget
folder during maven life cycle.
It decompress the JAR file and creates the multi layer Docker image.
Keep an eye on the context size sent to Docker's context:
Sending build context to Docker daemon 36.12MB (this is the size with all libs)
Once the image build finishes use next command to check layers size:
docker history fabri1983dockerid/signaling:dev
A Java process is a regular Windows/Linux process. How much actual physical memory this process is consuming? Or in other words: what is the Resident Set Size (RSS) value for running a Java process?
Theoretically, in the case of a Java application, a required RSS size can be calculated by:
RSS = Heap size + MetaSpace + OffHeap size
where OffHeap consists of thread stacks, direct buffers, mapped files (libraries and jars) and JVM code itself.
See this article to beter understand how Java memory is used in Docker:
- Run 2 instances of the image:
docker container run -i -m 400m -p 8481:8443 --name signaling-1 fabri1983dockerid/signaling:dev
docker container run -i -m 400m -p 8482:8443 --name signaling-2 fabri1983dockerid/signaling:dev
(replace -i by -d if you want to detach the process and let it run on background)
Then manage it with:
docker container stop|start <container-name>
Connect to its bash console:
docker container exec -it <container-name> /bin/ash
Or you can use the docker-compose-local.yml:
docker-compose -f target/docker-compose-local.yml up
Then manage it with:
docker-compose -f target/docker-compose-local.yml stop|start
- Test the Distributed Event Bus with Hazelcast:
- If you are using docker in Windows with Docker Tool Box then visit:
- If on Linux:
- videochat-1
- videochat-2
- in case you need running Docker ip:
docker inspect -f "{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}" <containerNameOrId>
WIP. Currently taking infinte amount of time to build native-image. Investigating.
- First set
environment variable to point GraalVM Java 8 or Java 11 (depending on what graalvm installation you are targeting). - Second set
environment variable to point GraalVM. Update yourPATH
as well. - Then build the signaling project and generate the JAR artifact for java8 or java11 (depending on what graalvm installation you are targeting).
- Update
modifying Spring Boot version to 2.4.0 (only if you current Spring Boot version doesn't match). - Build package:
This will generate native image (you will need 3.8 GB of free memory!)mvn clean package -P native,local,eventbus-hazelcast,java8
- Update
WIP. Currently taking infinte amount of time to build native-image. Investigating.
- First set
environment variable to point GraalVM Java 8 or Java 11 (depending on what graalvm installation you are targeting). - Second set
environment variable to point GraalVM. Update yourPATH
as well. - Then build the signaling project and generate the JAR artifact for java8 or java11 (depending on what graalvm installation you are targeting).
- Update
modifying Spring Boot version to 2.4.0 (only if you current Spring Boot version doesn't match). - Build package:
mvn clean package -P native,local,eventbus-hazelcast,java8
- Update
- Locate at project root dir and download the Spring-Graal-Native-Image project:
(Next scripts will clone it under target folder)
- Generate native image from JAR artifact (you will need 3.8 GB of free memory!):
Signaling JAR file containsMETA-INF/native-image/org.fabri1983.signaling/
with all the options/flags.
Run next command to check if any dependency has a security risk according the Maven plugin dependency-checker from OWASP:
mvn verify -P local,eventbus-hazelcast,java11,securitycheck
- Currently hazelcast configuration uses multicast for service discovery. Add different solutions: