This is a lando env with a naked installation of Drupal 9 with configurations ready for development.
It can be used to develop themes or modules.
Download and install all the required docker images and create the containers
lando start
Download and install all the composer packages set on composer.json
lando composer install
It will also replace the file web/sites/ with the default settings, we need to revert back to the development mode settings
git restore web/sites/
After this all the vendor and Drupal core packages should be installed and the server running
Configures Drupal to connect to the database with the default credentials and creates the admin user
lando drush site:install --db-url=mysql://drupal9:drupal9@database/drupal9 -y > site-install.txt
Save the admin password inside the .env file
git update-index --skip-worktree web/sites/default/settings.php
To track again
git update-index --no-skip-worktree web/sites/default/settings.php
Boots the development environment
lando start
Stops just the app containers keeping the lando containers running
lando stop
Stops the app and lando containers
lando poweroff
Just clone the repo to web/themes/custom/
or web/modules/custom
depending if it's a theme or modules
If we want to use the starter kit from Drupal
lando php web/core/scripts/drupal generate-theme --name "Website Theme" --path themes/custom website_theme
lando poweroff && docker system prune -a --volumes && rm -rf ~/.lando/cache