A challenge to develop a Spark 2 application (in Scala) that processes 2 CSV files (present in challange/src/main/resources/)
Filters only rows with valid "Sentiment_Polarity" values Groups by App name, calculating de average of "Sentiment_Polarity", renaming it "Average_Sentiment_Polarity"
val df_1 = df.where(col("Sentiment_Polarity").cast("Double").isNotNull && isnan(col("Sentiment_Polarity") ) === false)
Selects both "App" and "Rating" columns, however, only when the rating is between 4.0 and 5.0 Orders by "Rating" starting from 5.0 and going down
val df_best_apps = df_store.select("App","Rating")
.where(df_store("Rating") >= 4.0 && df_store("Rating") <= 5.0)
Writes in a csv file, puts the header in the first line, and sets delimiter "$" (use coalesce(1) to only write in 1 fragment)
df_best_apps.write.options(Map("header"->"true", "delimiter"->"$")).csv("src/main/resources/best_apps.csv")
df_best_apps.coalesce(1).write.options(Map("header"->"true", "delimiter"->"$")).csv("src/main/resources/best_apps.csv")
Makes App an unique value, putting all categories in a list and selecting the max value of reviews. Then it joins with the original df.
val df_3_category = df_store.groupBy("App")
val df_3 = df_store.join(df_3_category, Seq("App","Reviews"),"inner").drop("Category").sort("App")
Joins df_1 and df_3 and saves in a parquet file.
val df_3and1 = df_1.join(df_3,df_1("App") === df_3("App"),"outer")
This was developed using IntelliJ IDE, creating a new maven project