Fullstack App is hosted here
- Database can be populated with various items and respective prices
- Items can be tagged to different shops and locations
- Users can search for shops/businesses, items and locations
Technical Requirements Your app must:
- Build a full-stack application by making your own backend and your own front-end.
- Be a complete product, which means that it is usable from head-to-tail, in the environment it is meant for.
- Implement thoughtful user stories that are significant enough to help you know which features to build and which to scrap
- Be accessible online
Your app should:
- Use a database or way to store your data, whether that's one we've covered in class or one you want to learn
- Have an interactive front-end
- Models:
- User (firstname, lastname, email, password)
- Trip (name, start_date, end_date, no_of_days???)
- Activities (start_time, end_start, address, description, image_url)
- Packing list checkbox
- Users can create new trip with starting date and ending date
- Users can click into the date to plan activities for the day
- Activities can have timeslot and description
- Users can create a packing list sort of like a “todo-list”
- Geolocation api ()
- Calendar api
- Attractions api
- Can add friends and contribute together
- Express
- Node
- Bcrypt
- Mongoose
- React
- MongoDB
- Heroku
- Axios