A scalable tool to visually display network traffic that listens via your network interface.
After cloning, install the required packages:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt --user
Running the script:
python3 showconnectivitymap.py
Additional commands:
usage: showconnectivitymap.py [-h] [-i IFACE] [-r REFRESHRATE] [-s SPEED]
A scalable tool to visually display network traffic in form of an ASCII world
map that listens via your network interface. Please ensure that you have
permissions to read out the traffic of the used network interface.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i IFACE, --iface IFACE
Specific network interface to use. Default = Every
Refresh rate of the worldmap. The value is X times per
second. Default = 10
-s SPEED, --speed SPEED
Speed in percentage per refresh of the packets
traveling over this worldmap. The refresh rate alters
this as well. Default = 3
Make sure you have enough permissions to access the (default) network interface.
Currently, this version requires Python3 and a Linux distro (or WSL) since os.system() is called to fetch the width of the terminal.
In this script there's a link to https://f13rce.net/ip.php to fetch the external IP address in case you were using a local IP. You can change this to any other web page. Copy over the ip.php file that only returns the page requester's IP to your web server and change the URL in the script.
I also would like an alternative to ipinfo.io since it has rate limits. This prevents the support for traceroutes to show packet traversel in detail.