RedLight is a responsive HTML5, CSS3, JQuery framework for simple/static (academic) website.
Current version: 0.2 (2013-10-26)
This theme is freely available under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA License.
If you add/improve some features, please pull a request!
Please, add your website to the list at the end of this file.
Fork this repository, rename it to "" (or like you want).
If you have a personal domain, add a CNAME file.
You can download RedLight.
Do not change file architecture:
| index.html
| customize.css (optional)
| picture.jpg (optional)
| redlight/
| redlight.css
| redlight.js
| icons/
| ...
| template-index.html
| template-customize.css
Create a "index.html" file (use code in "tpl-index.html").
You can subdivise sections using h2, h3 and h4 headings.
For new menus, sections or social links, the following icons are included in RedLight:
By default, RedLight use a grey-based layout; but you can customize it.
To do so, create a "customize.css" file (use code in "tpl-customize.css"; uncomment parts you want to customize; do not delete "!important" mentions!).
No other action needed. The "customize.css" will be automatically loaded by RedLight.