A library of data types and structures for C.
Types to be implemented
- vector
- dequeue
- optional
- stack
- queue
- priority_queue
- node
- single node
- single linked list
- double linked list
- set
- unordered_set
- hashtable
- map
- multimap
- hashset
- unordered_hashset
- xstring
- xpair
- xcircular_buffer/ring
- treemap
- tuple
- tree
- heap
- add_all in containers
- extend list with other contigiuos related operations
- add container##T##_remove to remove by element
- add remove, remove with cb, remove_all with cb
- vector store element in contiguous memory locations
- xoptional does no memory allocation
- xiterator works for any struct with Iterator and size field
Get lot of ideas from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/ https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/