Get the CPU and Memory usage of a single process, monitor it live, and extract it in CSV and HTML. Get the best out of your optimizations.
The profiling is designed to run until the running process terminates. If you wish to terminate the profiler sooner, just interrupt the process and it will safely terminate the program and write the results.
Usage: peekprof {-pid <pid>|-cmd <command>} [-html <filename>] [-csv <filename>] [-printoutput]
[-refresh <integer>{ns|ms|s|m}] [-prc-output] [-parent] [-live] [-livehost <host>] [nooutput]
The output depends on if you've set the flag -pretty or not.
With pretty:
parent id: 5312 # (only if -parent is used)
command id: 5312 # (only if -cmd is used)
00:13:09 memory usage: 26 mb cpu usage: 8.2%% # Loop
peak memory: 2 mb # Print peak memory
20.852955893s # Print profiling time
Without pretty (csv friendly except two last lines):
timestamp, rss kb, %%cpu # Print csv heading
2021-10-04 00:14:12.635316944 +0300 EEST m=+11.947601412,2956,0.0 # Loop
peak memory: 2 mb # Print peak memory
20.852955893s # Print profiling time
-pid Track a running process
-cmd Execute a command and track its memory usage
-html Extract a chart into an HTML file
-csv Extract timestamped memory data into a csv
-refresh The interval at which it checks the memory usage of the process
[default is 100ms]
-live Combined with -html provides an html file that listens live updates for the process' stats.
[default is true]
-livehost Is the host at which the local running server is running. This is used with -live and -html.
[default is localhost:8089]
-pssoutput Print the corresponding output of the process to stdout & stderr
-parent Track the parent of the provided PID. If no parent exists, an error is returned
unless -force is provided. If -cmd is provided this is ignored.
-pretty Print in a more human-friendly - non-csv format, and print the pid of the running process if -cmd or -parent is used.
-nooutput Stop printing the profiler's output to console
peekprof -pid 47123 -html out.html -csv out.csv
peekprof -pid 47123
peekprof -cmd="go test -bench=. -benchtime 300x"
peekprof -pid 53432 -refresh 50ms # Refresh every 50 milliseconds
peekprof -pid 53432 -parent
Current support is for Linux and OSX.
- Swap is not currenty supported, thus it is not shown either in the extracted files.
is supported only in Linux- In Linux, the process and process' children metrics are tracked. Currently this behavior is not implemented for OSX.
MIT © Apostolis Anastasiou