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All-in-one solution for linting and code formatting in frontend projects


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@ewerk/eslint-config – The all-in-one solution for linting and code formatting in frontend projects

NPM Version

This project contains rules for a consistent clean code style for frontend projects. That includes rules for HTML, JavaScript, Typescript and (s)css. It is compatible for all kind of javascript based frontend projects.

Following tools are used:

The project is currently optimized and tested for Angular projects (>= 14). The linting and formatting rules are very strict – maybe too strict for someone, but it is very helpful on working with large teams. The toolset and ruleset is completely modular. Take what you need.

The eslint rules are based on eslint-config-alloy.

Getting started

Install eslint, prettier, stylelint and this package:

$ npm i -D eslint prettier stylelint @ewerk/eslint-config


Create an eslint config file, e.g. .eslintrc.js:

// .eslintrc.js

module.exports = {
  extends: [
    '@ewerk/eslint-config',            // basic rules
    '@ewerk/eslint-config/typescript', // typescript specific rules
    '@ewerk/eslint-config/angular',    // angular specific rules

Feel free to add your own rules or override pre-defined rules.


Create a prettier config file, e.g. .prettierrc.js:

// .prettierrc.js

module.exports = {
  ...require('@ewerk/eslint-config/prettierrc'),        // basic rules
  ...require('@ewerk/eslint-config/prettierrc.angular') // angular specific

Feel free to add your own rules or override pre-defined rules.

Create .prettierignore file with the following content to restrict prettier to only take care of HTML files.

# exclude all files

# include only html files

# the following part is optional
# to exclude e.g. the coverage files:

# exclude all sub directories

# include e.g. only the real code 


Create a stylelint config file, e.g. stylelint.config.js:

// stylelint.config.js

module.exports = {
  extends: [
    '@ewerk/eslint-config/stylelintrc',      // .css
    // or
    '@ewerk/eslint-config/stylelintrc.scss', // .scss

Feel free to add your own rules or override pre-defined rules.


Add a few commands to the package.json. It depends highly on your project. Here are a few suggestions:

// package.json

  "scripts": {
    "lint": "eslint src --fix",
    "stylelint": "stylelint --fix \"src/**/*.scss\"",
    "format:check": "prettier --check .",
    "format:write": "prettier --write .",
    "fix-code-style": "npm run lint && npm run stylelint && npm run format:write"

To fix the format of the whole code (js/ts/html/css) just run:

$ npm run fix-code-style

Automate it

It is recommended to lint and format your code always before committing. To automate it just use a commit hook. E.g. use husky.

# .husky/pre-commit

npm run fix-code-style

But that's a bit overkill especially for a large codebase. You could use lint-staged to lint and format only files you changed:

// lint-staged.config.js

module.exports = {
  'src/**/*.{html,ts,js}': (filesArray) => {
    const files = filesArray.join(' ');
    return [
      `eslint --fix ${ files }`,
  'src/**/*.scss': (filesArray) => {
    const files = filesArray.join(',');
    const filesPattern = filesArray.length > 1 ? `{${ files }}` : files;
    return [
      `stylelint --fix "{${ filesPattern }}"`,

For formatting with prettier we sadly need another tool: pretty-quick Just add another command to scripts in the package.json:

    "format-staged:write": "pretty-quick --staged",

Now finally integrate all of it into the pre-commit hook:

# .husky/pre-commit

# run prettier for staged files
npm run format-staged:write

# run eslint fix for staged files
npx lint-staged --relative


For nx projects: See Using ESLint in Nx Workspaces

'describe' or 'jest' is not defined no-undef error

If you're getting no-undef linting errors in test files and you're using jasmine try to add the following to the .eslintrc.js:

module.exports = {
  env: {
    jasmine: true, // 'describe' is not defined
    jest: true,    // 'jest' is not defined

Things ToDo

  • Update Dependencies
  • Improve support for non-angular projects
  • Use prettier for formatting json files


All-in-one solution for linting and code formatting in frontend projects








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