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Utility to update a FITS image header with PV polynomial WCS correction terms derived from SIP corrections


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WCS-ADDPV is a script to derive PV polynomial WCS correction terms from SIP corrections and add the PV keywords to a FITS image header, so that the WCS can be (better) understood by tools in the SEtractor/Scamp/Swarp suite of software tools.

This is most useful where you have derived WCS corrections in another way (e.g., through and the corrections are presented in the SIP (Simple Imaging Polynomial) format (note the CTYPEi keywords: these should then be RA---TAN-SIP and DEC--TAN-SIP).


In its simplest form, run it as:

./ somefile.fits

Running it without input files or with the --help option gives a quick summary of the script. wcs-addpv can take one or more input FITS images.

wcs-addpv will alter your input FITS files in place, so make a backup of the file if needed. Note that wcs-addpv only adds redundant keywords: it will not replace or remove keywords, except existing PVi_j ones. In particular, it does not change the CTYPEi keywords. (For the how and why, see the Note in the Background.)

wcs-addpv only uses the primary image, that is, HDU 0. All other HDUs in the file are left untouched. Thus, it works best on simple single image FITS files.


Some options require some understanding of the algorithm underlying the script. See the background section for that.

  • --order: the polynomial order for the PV corrections. The default is 3.

    The zeroth and first order are never touched, and always left at their defaults of 0 and 1, respectively. So the minimum usable order is 2, and the default is set to 3.

    A good starting point, in the case of existing SIP corrections, is to use the same order as that of the SIP corrections, or lower. A higher order is much more likely to lead to erroneous corrections.

  • --radial: use the radial PV corrections. The default is off.

    This switches on the radial term in the PV corrections. The Sextractor/Scamp/Swarp suite ignore the radial terms, so it's generally fine to leave this off.

  • --ndata: number of data points to use in the fit. Default 64.

    This sets the approximate number of data points to use in the fit. The option takes one or two arguments. The latter sets the values independently for each dimension x and y, the former uses the same value for each dimension.

    The total number of data points is then ndata x ndata. This is the approximate amount of data points used in the fit (see the background section, the algorithm subsection).

    The number is approximate, as it tries to subdivide the image data so that there are ndata points for the respective dimension. The default is therefore 64, since most image dimension are some multiple of 64.

  • --verbose: show a bit more output. Can be used multiple times. The default is no information at all.

    Use once to obtain output information on the improvement in the PV correction before and after the fit. Use twice to obtain information at the debugging level.


Installation is simply:

python -m pip install git+

You can also grab the standalone script from the scripts subdirectory. This standalone script will not be installed when installing with pip; instead, pip will install a sippv-add script that wraps around the module.


wcs-addpv requires the following libraries:

  • numpy
  • scipy
  • astropy

wcs-addpv has only been tested with the current astropy version (1.2), but I expect it to run with any recent 1.x astropy wcs. Similar for numpy and scipy: any recent version should work.

It has been used mostly with Python 3.5, but has been tested with 2.7 as well.


As an alternative to fixing the headers, there are a few alternatives.

  • For SExtractor: convert the pixel coordinates in the catalog file to proper world coordinates:

    with"somefile.fits") as hdulist:
        header = hdulist[0].header
        wcs = astropy.wcs.WCS(header)
    table ="", format="ascii.sextractor")
    xpix = table['X_IMAGE']
    ypix = table['Y_IMAGE']
    pixcoords = np.asarray([xpix, ypix]).T
    # all_pix2world() includes the SIP corrections
    wcoords = wcs.all_pix2world(pixcoords, 1).T
    table['ra'] = wcoords[0]
    table['dec'] = wcoords[1]
  • A simple (not very well tested) alternative to SWarp is to use the utilities in scipy.ndimage:

    with"somefile.fits") as hdulist:
        inhead = hdulist[0].header
        inwcs = astropy.wcs.WCS(inhead)
        inshape = hdulist[0].data.shape
    with"reffile.fits") as hdulist:
        refhead = hdulist[0].header
        refwcs = WCS(refhead)
        refdata = hdulist[0].data.copy()
    xpix, ypix = np.mgrid[0:inshape[1], 0:inshape[0]]
    coords = np.asarray([xpix.ravel(), ypix.ravel()]).T
    wcoords = inwcs.all_pix2world(coords, 1, ra_dec_order=True)
    refcoords = refwcs.all_world2pix(wcoords, 1, ra_dec_order=True)
    refdata = refdata.T
    output = map_coordinates(refdata, refcoords.T)
    output = output.reshape(refdata.shape).T
    # The output file should have the same WCS as the input file
    # relax=True keeps the RA/DEC--TAN-SIP and polynomial coeffs keys
    outhead = inhead.copy()
    fits.PrimaryHDU(data=output, header=outhead).writeto(
        "newfile.fits", clobber=True)


In (difference) imaging pipelines, where astrometry, photometry and image subtraction is used, commonly used tools are, SExtractor, SWarp and HOTPANTS. The SExtractor and SWarp tools rely on the WCS to obtain world coordinates. Unfortunately, they use a different way (TPV) to interpret distortions to the WCS than is nowadays more commonly used (SIP; used ine.g., in As such, the WCS distortions calculated by are not applied to the output of SExtractor and SWarp, leading to incorrect positions and image alignments.


The undistorted WCS system is well described and an accepted standard. For distortions, no standard currently exists (to my knowledge), and historically, two alternatives were available. One is the TPV system, where polynomial distortions are added to the intermediate world coordinates.

The intermediate world coordinates (Calabretta & Greisen, 2002 [1] ) are given by the initial offset and rotation/shear transformation:

| x1 | = | cd1_1  cd1_2 |  | p1 - crpix1 |
| x2 | = | cd1_2  cd2_2 |  | p2 - crpix2 |

When no distortions are present, these intermediate world coordinates are transformed to final world coordinates (right ascension and declination), according to their projection type. See Calabretta & Greisen (2002), section 7.3 for some examples of this.

When distortions are present (both in the image and through correction terms in the WCS), polynomials corrections are added to the xi world coordinates, of the form:

x1' = f1(x1, x2, r)
x2' = f2(x1, x2, r)

where r is a shorthand for r = sqrt(x1*x1 + x2*x2), and is set to 0 in the SExtractor/SWarp case. f1 and f2 are essentially polynomials, similar to the SIP polynomials described below. The polynomial terms Pi_j are then stored in a FITS header as PVi_j keys.

With the corrected intermediate world coordinates, the usual transformation to actual RA and Dec is then applied.

This applies only to the TAN (gnomic) projection, and the CTYPi keywords should be set to TPV when using these corrections.

The full description of the terms is availabe at .

Since this suggested correction type was available early on, SExtractor and SWarp have incorporated it.

Over time, however, another correction type has gradually become the de facto standard: SIP, the Simply Imaging Polynomial, corrections.

These corrections are very similar to the PV correction, albeit without a radial term, but are applied before the initial transformation to intermediate world coordinates:

| x1 | = | cd1_1  cd1_2 |  | p1 + f1(p1, p2) |
| x2 | = | cd1_2  cd2_2 |  | p2 + f2(p1, p2) |

with the correction functions polynomials:

fi(p1, p2) = \Sigma_j_k P_i_j_k p1^j p2^k

When using SIP correction, the ctype keyword is extended to include -SIP at the end.

More details at

Correction conversion

It is possible to convert one type of corrections to the other, albeit not that straightforward. In fact, this is something the PTF (Palomar Transient Factory) group has done, as they deal with large images (thus causing distortions) and a pipeline using and SExtractor (Shupe et al, 2012 [2]).

Unfortunately, while they describe the method in their paper, they have only implemented this in code for a fixed correction order. They have made their software available [3], [4], [5], but only in binary format, as a standalone executable.

This situation felt rather unsatisfactory to me. Hence I decided to implement a more generic solution to this problem, albeit not as direct as the PTF solution.


The algorithm in wcs-addpv relies on minimizing the difference in the known SIP-corrected coordinates, and the coordinates calculated fro the to-be-estimated PV terms. Thus, it becomes somewhat of a forward fitting process.

astropy.wcs.WCS will read the available WCS with the SIP corrections. It will then obtain the world coordinates for a subset of image pixels (centers), spread evenly across the image (it is possible to use all pixels, though this would increase the calculation time. Currently, about 5000 pixels are used; this is the ndata parameter squared).

wcs-addpv then calculates the PV distortions, starting with a default set of polynomial coefficients (all zero, except for PV1_1 and PV2_1), and up to a given order (set by the order keyword). Note that the zeroth order term is always kept at zero, and the first order term is always kept at one, since these can essentially be incorporated in the CRVALi values and transformation matrix. The radial correction is normally fixed at zero, but can be fit for as well, when the radial option is True.

The sum of the square of the differences in RA and Dec between the two solutions is then minimized. This yields the PV correction terms, which are then written to the header.

The PVi_j keywords are added, and the CTYPEi is not altered. This relies on the fact that SExtractor and SWarp do not look for a PTV ctype, but instead rely on the PVi_j keywords to be present to apply a correction. This is why the script is called wcs-addpv, and not sip2pv or similar.

This means that a FITS header can have valid SIP corrections, and (invalid) PV corrections at the same time.

When reading such a header with astropy.wcs.WCS, a warning is issued and the PV keys are removed from the WCS (since they are redundant, and have caused issues in the past [6] ). wcs-addpv silences this specific warning for convenience, since the PV keywords will be are intended to be replaced.

Current implementation

The current implementation is straightforward, simple but slow. It can take several seconds to a minute or more to minimize the difference, depending on the amount of pixels used in the calculation. Lowering the amount of pixels (ndata) will speed up the calculation, but may reduce the accuracy of the fit.

One of the future plans is to speed up the PV correction section in the code using either C or Cython.


sippv is distributed under the ISC license.

sippv is copyright the Gravitational-wave Optical Transient Observer (GOTO) Observatory.

References & footnotes

[3]astrometry mailing list thread:!topic/astrometry/qrNW5KtsNCc
[4]sip2pv and pv2sip binaries at . These are pre-compiled, so will not work on every platform, and require solve-field to be run with --tweak-order 4.
[5] ships with a wcs-pv2sip utility, which is probably what is used with the --scamp option to solve-field. I have not yet inspected this further, but the naming suggests this utility works the inverse way of what I want .


Utility to update a FITS image header with PV polynomial WCS correction terms derived from SIP corrections







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