A puppet module that installs lynis [rootkit.nl/projects/lynis.html] and allows you to configure profiles with associated daily cron entries. A script is provided as well that converts converts the lynis-report.dat file to json, adds the @timestamp and @version keys, and appends it to a file to be imported straight into logstash.
Generic lynis install
class { 'lynis': }
Adding a profile to be run manually
lynis::profile { 'my_profile': profile_name => 'my_profile', source => 'puppet:///data/lynis/my_profile.prf', }
Adding a profile and using the random hour/minute cron settings, with JSONification of the report
lynis::profile { 'my_profile': profile_name => 'my_profile', source => 'puppet:///data/lynis/my_profile.prf', cron => true, logstashify => true, }
Only tested on CentOS 6
Released under the Apache 2.0 licence
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