This is a simple Serverless framework-based AWS lambda function that illustrates how to subscribe to events published by Eventuate SaaS.
To install the Eventuate AWS Gateway plugin for Serverless:
npm install
When the lambda is deployed, this plugin registers it with Eventuate.
When the lambda undeployed, the plugin unregisters it.
See the serverless.yml
for the details of how the events of interest are specified.
This particular lambda subscribes to events published by the Todo List Application.
To build the lambda:
./gradlew buildZip
Set the Eventuate environment variables: EVENTUATE_API_KEY_ID
To deploy the lambda:
serverless deploy
Events published by the Todo List Application will now be delivered to this lambda.
You could, for example, run
to generate events.
You can verify that the lambda has been invoked by looking at the logs:
serverless logs -f todoEchoLambda