This template application shows how to organize your application with Playframework 2, WebJars, RequireJS and AngularJS.
It shows an alternative way of organizing modules than the official Angular-Play-Seed.
For a full explanation, read the following blog post:
The updates made for Play 2.2 and newer WebJars are explained here:
The changes for Play 2.3 and sbt-web are discussed in this series about sbt-web:
The changes for Play 2.4 are summarized in this short summary post:
The JavaScript modules are organized as follows:
|- app
|-- assets
|--- javascripts <- contains all the JavaScript/CoffeeScript modules
|---- app.js <- app module, wires everything together
|---- main.js <- tells RequireJS how to load modules and bootstraps the app
|---- common/ <- a module, in this case
|----- main.js <- main file of the module, loads all sub-files in this folder
|----- filters.js <- common's filters
|----- directives/ <- common's directives
|----- services/ <- common's services
|---- ...
- Load dependencies via
sbt update
- Run via
sbt ~run
- Go to localhost:9000
This uses the normal JavaScript files and loads libraries from the downloaded WebJars.
- Run
sbt testProd
- Produce executable via
sbt clean dist
- Extract
unzip target/universal/
- Run
play-angular-require-seed-2.x.x/bin/play-angular-require-seed -Dhttp.port=9000 -Dconfig.resource=prod.conf
This uses the uglified JavaScript files, versioned and compressed assets, and loads WebJars resources from the jsDelivr CDN.
This application is also published as a Typesafe Activator template:
To use it from Activator, type
$ activator new <project-name>
Activator will now ask you to choose a template:
Browse the list of templates:
Choose from these featured templates or enter a template name:
1) minimal-java
2) minimal-scala
3) play-java
4) play-scala
Enter play-angular-require-seed
(you can use tab completion).
> play-angular-require-seed
OK, application "<project-name>" is being created using the "play-angular-require-seed" template.
Your new app is now ready for development. Switch to its directory and run activator or sbt.
$ cd <project-name>
$ activator ~run