A small website that aggregates github trending repos.
It's my first project in clojure, so hopefuly the code is not too bad.
By default you will have the languages: javascript, typescript, python, html, clojure.
To display specific languages you have to use the url parameter l
with a comma separated list of languages.
ex: https://trendme.evass.co/?l=c,zig,rust
Visit the website here: Trendme
You will need Leiningen 2.0.0 or above installed.
To run lein ring server-headless
To build lein ring uberjar
to run build java -jar target/trendme-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar
These infos are mostly for me, but i guess you can use them too if you want to run it on systemd. 🤷♂️
Create systemd file
sudo touch /usr/lib/systemd/system/trendme.service
with this content:
Description=webserver Daemon
ExecStart=java -jar /home/erwan/trendme/target/trendme-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar
Run with sudo service trendme start
Restart with sudo service trendme restart
Enable on start sudo service trendme enable
Disable on start sudo service trendme disable