Guiding philosophy: Biologically faithful computational model of the brain that leverages digital paradigms (parallelism, floating point, etc.)
- List of neurotransmitter types released
- List of types of receptors at dendrites
- List of synapses
- Resting membrane potential
- Action potential threshold
- Membrane potential
- ID
- List of matching neurotransmitters
- Behavior type (excitatory, inhibitory, modulatory)
- State (On/Off, time remaining)
Sensory Receptor:
- Behavior type
- Value
- Synaptic strength
- Probability of release
- Number of neurotransmitters released
Simulation Logic:
- Tick based
- Every tick (in order):
- sensory receptors are reevaluated
- all potential summations are recomputed
- Action potentials are initiated
- Axon neurotransmitters are released
- Actions are taken if action neurons experience action potential
- decay/propogation is incremented
Gene: - InterNeuron - Neurotransmitters - Receptors - MatchingNeurotransmitters - potentialPolarization - Type - actionPotentialThreshold - restingPotential - PotentialDecayRate - Synapses - fireProbability - PreSynapticNeuron - PostSynapticNeuron
Genome Encoding Structure:
- A genome is a sequence of Gene objects and a list of synaptic connections between all neurons, as well as parameters numNeurons and numSynapses
- A gene corresponds to a Neuron or Synapse (is encoded as an array of floats)
- Creation Algorithm
- Enumerate all InterNeurons, Sensory and Action neurons are enumerated according to the corresponding Enum
- For each Neuron
- Encode as a gene and append to Genome list
- For each Synapse:
- Encode as gene and append to Genome list Assumptions:
- Synapse transmission is instantaneous
- No local membrane potentiation in dendrites/neurons, membrane potential is global
- Action potential travel time is instantaneous
- Receptor only is activated for one tick by each neurotransmitter
To Do:
- Decouple Neuronal/Brain Model from environment. Introduce interface for Brain
- When action potential fires, reduce potential harshly right afterwards
- Try negative neurons instead of synapses, less complexity
- Experiment with removing/reworking actionPotentialLength
- Come up with better solution for all the magic hardcoded constants (i.e. decay rate)
- sensory normalization bound, max synaptic strength, survivor reproduction rate
- Implement culling useless neurons and synapses, neuronal pruning (also simulating exuberant synaptogenesis)
- Use Hebbian/SDTP to guide synaptogenesis (neurons that fire together wire together, neurons that fire out of sync lose their link). Synaptogenesis should not be random
- Implement mathematical models (differential equations, dynamic systems, analysis) for interactions like neural oscillations, electrotonic potential, cable theory, membrane potential decay, etc.
- Verify if Neurons is sorted normally by ID
- Reexamine actionPotentialTime tracking
- Reexamine encoding frequency based intensity of stimulus
- Reexamine order of computation for potentials in simulateStep
- Implement Fitness tracking
- Implement Neuron and Synapse monitoring per Organism
- Implement Neuron mutation
- Implement Adaptive Integrate-and-Fire model (
- Read Neuronal Dynamics Ch 6.
- Explore reinforcement learning instead of purely random search
- Add electrical gap-junctions
- Explore and implement oscillatory cyclic generation within neural networks
- Explore and implement neural plasticity
- Explore and implement information encoding schemes within neural signaling patterns
- Implement neural backpropogation of action potentials
- Explore NMDA(R)
- Why do axon terminals release nothing most of the time? Explore probability of release
- Implement modulatory synaptic behavior
- Implement keeping NeuronIDs consistent even with deleted neurons