- ESFO: Equality Saturation for FIRRTL Optimization
- E-Syn: E-Graph Rewriting with Technology-Aware Cost Functions for Logic Synthesis
- ROVER: RTL Optimization via Verified E-Graph Rewriting
- Automatic Datapath Optimization using E-Graphs
- E-graphs solve the phase ordering problem
- Different orderings of optimizations cause different results
- Rewrite rules can be destructive
- Apply rewrite rules to produce a simplified (optimized) solution
- Some orderings will lead to a local minima that is not fully optimized
- Calculating all rewrite results is not optimal due to the solution set being large
- Solve this by sharing and by merging operations into equality classes (e-classes)
- E-node: an operator or a term which has a set of arguments (can be empty)
- Extraction: given an e-graph, choose a solution based on a cost function
- E-graphs can allow for
- Fine-grained tradeoff of optimization and runtime
- Offline optimization, get a viable synthesis output first and improve over time
- Embedded DSL in Rust for creating egraphs w/ equality saturation
- Extremely flexible, better than handwritten implementations
- Some features/optimizations:
- Rebuild for congruence convergence less frequently
- Support conditional and dynamic rewrite rules
- There and Back Again: A Netlist’s Tale with Much Egraphin’
- ESFO: Equality Saturation for FIRRTL Optimization
- E-Syn: E-Graph Rewriting with Technology-Aware Cost Functions for Logic Synthesis
- How much optimization happens between high FIRRTL and LoFIRRTL?
- This work is quite simple, just do egraph optimization on LoFIRRTL and then pass back to Yosys
- Rewrite examples are trivial
- Greedy extraction is sometimes better than ILP, but that doesn’t make sense
- Seems to not support SRAMs, all test circuits are small
- Lower level Boolean optimization
- Technology aware mapping
- Uses pooled extraction + XGBoost
- Improvement over ABC, even on small circuits
- Runtime seems high, 6 min for an adder
- Likely due to extraction and not rewrite
- What is the point of hardware decompilation?
- Deduplication?
- Loop rerolling lacks motivation
- 2: Standard library component identification
- This is not how component mapping is done
- Useful for complex Boolean expressions, can map to std cells
- BUT cell mapping does lack a good algorithm for finding global optima
- 4: egraphs for deduplication
- FIRRTL lacks efficient deduplication, must externalize differences between modules as ports (ex hartid)
- 5: retiming
- How to create the rewrite rules for this?
- Won’t saturate in trivial case, need to incorporate timing engine
- Traditional retiming is better, no point in looking for global optima
- ROVER: RTL Optimization via Verified E-Graph Rewriting
- Automatic Datapath Optimization using E-Graphs
- Focused on arithmetic optimizations, usually would be done by hand
- Rewrite rules are specific to bitwidths
- Could also require same bitwidth for each op, then have rewrite rules to expand bitwidth
- Handled with conditions here
- Optimize at a word level instead of bit level
- Capture optimizations that the synthesis tool doesn’t
- Rewrite so that the synthesis tool can apply its own optimizations
- Understanding of how synthesis tool works
- Incorporated into cost function
- Use SMT solver to check correctness of rewrite rules
- Randomness in commercial tool causes arbitrary rewrite rules to have varying results
- Noise floor
- Scope optimization boundaries to avoid excessive rewrites