Add this to your build.sbt
resolvers +=
"Sonatype OSS Snapshots" at ""
Then depend on the latest SNAPSHOT artifact in your build.sbt
The full list of SNAPSHOT releases can be found here.
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"io.github.euphoric-hardware" %% "chisel-recipes" % <VERSION>
Write imperative cycle-level code like this:
import chisel3._
// Compute a cumulative sum iteratively from 0 to `range`, when `start` goes high
// Assume that `range` is held steady until `cumsumValid` goes high
class CumulativeSum extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val start = Input(Bool())
val range = Input(UInt(16.W))
val cumsum = Output(UInt(24.W))
val cumsumValid = Output(Bool())
val sum = Reg(UInt(24.W)) // holds the cumulative sum
io.cumsum := sum
val value = Reg(UInt(16.W)) // the current value being added to `sum`
val valid = RegInit(false.B) // whether cumsum is valid
io.cumsumValid := valid
// The chisel-recipes eDSL
forever (
waitUntil(start === true.B),
action {
sum := 0.U
value := 0.U
valid := false.B
whileLoop(value <= range)(
action {
sum := sum + value
value := value + 1.U
action { valid := true.B }
And have it turned automatically into Chisel RTL that implements it!