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The ingest microservice implements all the functionality required to authenticate, validate and ingest XAPI and Caliper learning statements.

The microservice uses Serverless framework to build and deploy to AWS.


  • Node.js v10.16.0
  • Serverless CLI v1.9.0 or later. You can run npm install -g serverless to install it.
  • An AWS account and Access keys in IAM
  • Set-up your Provider Credentials.

Set up AWS CLI

The Access keys and secret can be created in IAM for the user account. Configure the credentials using AWS CLI.

aws configure
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
Default region name [None]: us-west-2
Default output format [None]: ENTER

Alternatively, you can configure aws credentials using serverless command

serverless config credentials --provider aws --key AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE --secret wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY

Prepare the microservice package by running npm

npm install
npm install serverless --save-dev

Note: Install serverless only if using an already deployed function

Manual Deployment to AWS

  • Zip the contents on the repo once the npm dependencies are resolved.
  • In Lambda console, click on Create New Lambda function and select runtime as Nodejs 6.10 and blank function blueprint
  • Skip configure triggers, click next
  • Enter the configurations for
    • Name
    • Description
    • Runtime - Node.js 10.x
    • Code entry type as Upload a zip file.
    • Handler as index.handler
    • Role as Existing Role 'cloud-lrs-ingest'
    • Under Advanced settings, set the following
      • Memory = 128,
      • Timeout = 30 sec
      • Enable active tracing
  • Select Create Function and Test it

Deployments using Serverless Framework

Configure Lambda deployment options in serverless.yml

Specify Lambda function config options as outline in the serverless.yml file. Refer Configuration Options documentation.

Deploy to AWS

serverless deploy -v

Alternatively functions can be explicitly specified if there are more services packaged in the deployment

serverless deploy function -f ingest

Running local test using serverless emulator. Test data can be served using path and data options

serverless invoke local --function ingest --path test/data/caliperV1p1.json
serverless invoke local --function ingest --data { 1: 'hello', 2: 'world' }

Deployed function can be invoked by using

serverless invoke --function ingest --path test/data/caliperV1p1.json
serverless invoke --function ingest --data { 1: 'hello', 2: 'world' }

Terminate deployment using

serverless remove

Refer Serverless Quick Start Guide for more details

Running Tests for cloudlrs-ingest-microservice

The microservice uses serverless mocha plugin(includes mocha, chai, lambda wrapper) to create a test suite. We first bootstrap cloud-lrs DB with test environment configuration and populate it seed data. Lambda then syncs with the DB to run end-to-end tests.

Working with serverless mocha plugin

Note - These configs are already created. This is for informational purposes only. Skip to [Run Mocha Tests](## Run Mocha Tests)

npm install --save-dev serverless-mocha-plugin

Add the plugin in the serverless.yml

  - serverless-mocha-plugin

Create the test function if it doesn't exist using

sls create test -f functionName

Run Mocha Tests

create test database and user

createuser cloudlrstest --pwprompt   # The default config assumes the password "cloudlrstest"
createdb cloudlrstest --owner=cloudlrstest

Run tests using the following command

sls invoke test [--stage stage] [--region region] [-f function1] [-f function2] [...]
sls invoke test --NODE_ENV='test'

The command is also configured in package.json to run via npm.

npm run test


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