A framework for time-series analysis and features extraction / visualization.
pip install --user -e .[dev]
To contribute to this repo, please follow this steps:
- create or assigne yourself an open issue
- go to the develop branch and pull it :
git checkout develop
andgit pull
- create a new branch with the issue id:
git checkout -b #123-this-feature
- do as much as commit as needed, then push your changes.
- [optional] write a test in
dir - once your implementation is finished:
- format the code:
invoke format
orblack tsanalysis
- check your code format:
invoke lint
orpylint tsanalysis
- test it:
invoke test
orpytest tests
- format the code:
- [optional] fix/commit/push the changes
- document your code ! (cf Documentation below)
- ask for a pull request
To build and browse the documentation, go to the root folder and execute:
invoke doc
The code's documentation is written following numpy doc standards. Please find a class example here.