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Demo Scenario

Andreas Bircher edited this page Jan 24, 2016 · 3 revisions

Volumetric Exploration

To demonstrate the use of the planner, demo scenarios in simulation are included in the provided package. The space considered for exploration is a 14x14m flat, where one piece is separated by a wall with a narrow passage.

Firefly hexacopter in the RotorS simulator, performing exploration of a flat

Firefly hexacopter in the RotorS simulator, performing exploration of a flat.

To run the demo scenario, make sure to follow the installation instructions and then run

roslaunch interface_nbvp_rotors flat_exploration.launch

This launches the planner, as well as the gazebo based simulator RotorS, simulating an instance of a firefly hexacopter. You can display the exploration progress in rviz following the visualization guid. The result should look similar to this:

Exploration instant 1

Initially the robot is performing some motion to get an initial map, where enough free space is available to plan the first step.

Exploration instant 2

After some steps, the known area has grown already.

Exploration instant 3

Most of the area has already been explored, except for the separated part, which is only accessible through a small gap in the wall.

Exploration instant 4

The planner finds this gap reliably and navigates towards it.

Exploration instant 5

After exploration of the separated room, the planner aims to fill in the small missing regions.

Exploration instant 6

As the unexplored parts of the scenario become sparse, the tree has to grow denser to find a non-zero gain.

Surface Exploration

A second demo scenario is provided, using the same environment. This time, the surface of the walls, floor and ceiling has to be explored. For this purpose, a mesh was derived from the first demo scenario's dense reconstruction and loaded to the planner. The gain at a certain configuration is then computed by the visible area of not previously seen parts of the mesh. To run the demo, type

roslaunch interface_nbvp_rotors area_exploration.launch

Multi Agent Exploration and Inspection

To run the two scenarios as a multi agent mission, type:

roslaunch interface_nbvp_rotors multiagent_flat_exploration.launch


roslaunch interface_nbvp_rotors multiagent_area_exploration.launch

To visualize the planning process, refer to the Visualization wiki page.

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