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  • Loading branch information
msooseth committed Sep 5, 2023
1 parent 02ea2e4 commit c3ea1b4
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Showing 6 changed files with 41 additions and 37 deletions.
19 changes: 8 additions & 11 deletions cli/cli.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -216,8 +216,7 @@ equivalence cmd = do
, maxIter = cmd.maxIterations
, askSmtIters = cmd.askSmtIterations
, loopHeuristic = cmd.loopDetectionHeuristic
, abstRefineArith = cmd.abstractArithmetic
, abstRefineMem = cmd.abstractMemory
, abstRefineConfig = AbstRefineConfig cmd.abstractArithmetic cmd.abstractMemory
, rpcInfo = Nothing
calldata <- buildCalldata cmd
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -297,15 +296,13 @@ assert cmd = do
let solverCount = fromMaybe cores cmd.numSolvers
solver <- getSolver cmd
withSolvers solver solverCount cmd.smttimeout $ \solvers -> do
let opts = VeriOpts {
simp = True,
debug = cmd.smtdebug,
maxIter = cmd.maxIterations,
askSmtIters = cmd.askSmtIterations,
loopHeuristic = cmd.loopDetectionHeuristic,
abstRefineArith = cmd.abstractArithmetic,
abstRefineMem = cmd.abstractMemory,
rpcInfo = rpcinfo
let opts = VeriOpts { simp = True
, debug = cmd.smtdebug
, maxIter = cmd.maxIterations
, askSmtIters = cmd.askSmtIterations
, loopHeuristic = cmd.loopDetectionHeuristic
, abstRefineConfig = AbstRefineConfig cmd.abstractArithmetic cmd.abstractMemory
, rpcInfo = rpcinfo
(expr, res) <- verify solvers opts preState (Just $ checkAssertions errCodes)
case res of
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/EVM/Fetch.hs
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Expand Up @@ -238,13 +238,13 @@ type Fetcher s = Query s -> IO (EVM s ())
-- will be pruned anyway.
checkBranch :: SolverGroup -> Prop -> Prop -> IO BranchCondition
checkBranch solvers branchcondition pathconditions = do
checkSat solvers (assertProps False False [(branchcondition .&& pathconditions)]) >>= \case
checkSat solvers (assertProps abstRefineDefault [(branchcondition .&& pathconditions)]) >>= \case
-- the condition is unsatisfiable
Unsat -> -- if pathconditions are consistent then the condition must be false
pure $ Case False
-- Sat means its possible for condition to hold
Sat _ -> -- is its negation also possible?
checkSat solvers (assertProps False False [(pathconditions .&& (PNeg branchcondition))]) >>= \case
checkSat solvers (assertProps abstRefineDefault [(pathconditions .&& (PNeg branchcondition))]) >>= \case
-- No. The condition must hold
Unsat -> pure $ Case True
-- Yes. Both branches possible
Expand Down
28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions src/EVM/SMT.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -162,21 +162,21 @@ data AbstState = AbstState
deriving (Show)

abstractAwayProps :: Bool -> Bool -> [Prop] -> ([Prop], AbstState)
abstractAwayProps abstRefineArith abstRefineMem ps = runState (mapM abstrAway ps) (AbstState mempty 0)
abstractAwayProps :: AbstRefineConfig -> [Prop] -> ([Prop], AbstState)
abstractAwayProps abstRefineConfig ps = runState (mapM abstrAway ps) (AbstState mempty 0)
abstrAway :: Prop -> State AbstState Prop
abstrAway prop = mapPropM go prop
go :: Expr a -> State AbstState (Expr a)
go x = case x of
e@(Mod{}) | abstRefineArith -> abstrExpr e
e@(SMod{}) | abstRefineArith -> abstrExpr e
e@(MulMod{}) | abstRefineArith -> abstrExpr e
e@(AddMod{}) | abstRefineArith -> abstrExpr e
e@(Mul{}) | abstRefineArith -> abstrExpr e
e@(Div{}) | abstRefineArith -> abstrExpr e
e@(SDiv {}) | abstRefineArith -> abstrExpr e
e@(ReadWord {}) | abstRefineMem -> abstrExpr e
e@(Mod{}) | abstRefineConfig.arith -> abstrExpr e
e@(SMod{}) | abstRefineConfig.arith -> abstrExpr e
e@(MulMod{}) | abstRefineConfig.arith -> abstrExpr e
e@(AddMod{}) | abstRefineConfig.arith -> abstrExpr e
e@(Mul{}) | abstRefineConfig.arith -> abstrExpr e
e@(Div{}) | abstRefineConfig.arith -> abstrExpr e
e@(SDiv {}) | abstRefineConfig.arith -> abstrExpr e
e@(ReadWord {}) | abstRefineConfig.mem -> abstrExpr e
e -> pure e
abstrExpr e = do
Expand All @@ -193,8 +193,8 @@ abstractAwayProps abstRefineArith abstRefineMem ps = runState (mapM abstrAway ps
smt2Line :: Builder -> SMT2
smt2Line txt = SMT2 [txt] mempty mempty

assertProps :: Bool -> Bool -> [Prop] -> SMT2
assertProps abstRefineArith abstRefineMem ps =
assertProps :: AbstRefineConfig -> [Prop] -> SMT2
assertProps abstRefineConfig ps =
let encs = map propToSMT psElimAbst
abstSMT = map propToSMT abstProps
intermediates = declareIntermediates bufs stores in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ assertProps abstRefineArith abstRefineMem ps =

(psElim, bufs, stores) = eliminateProps ps
(psElimAbst, abst@(AbstState abstExprToInt _)) = if abstRefineArith || abstRefineMem
then abstractAwayProps abstRefineArith abstRefineMem psElim
(psElimAbst, abst@(AbstState abstExprToInt _)) = if abstRefineConfig.arith || abstRefineConfig.mem
then abstractAwayProps abstRefineConfig psElim
else (psElim, AbstState mempty 0)

abstProps = map toProp (Map.toList abstExprToInt)
Expand Down
16 changes: 7 additions & 9 deletions src/EVM/SymExec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,8 +77,7 @@ data VeriOpts = VeriOpts
, maxIter :: Maybe Integer
, askSmtIters :: Integer
, loopHeuristic :: LoopHeuristic
, abstRefineArith :: Bool
, abstRefineMem :: Bool
, abstRefineConfig :: AbstRefineConfig
, rpcInfo :: Fetch.RpcInfo
deriving (Eq, Show)
Expand All @@ -90,8 +89,7 @@ defaultVeriOpts = VeriOpts
, maxIter = Nothing
, askSmtIters = 1
, loopHeuristic = StackBased
, abstRefineArith = False
, abstRefineMem = False
, abstRefineConfig = abstRefineDefault
, rpcInfo = Nothing

Expand All @@ -102,7 +100,7 @@ debugVeriOpts :: VeriOpts
debugVeriOpts = defaultVeriOpts { debug = True }

debugAbstVeriOpts :: VeriOpts
debugAbstVeriOpts = defaultVeriOpts { abstRefineMem = True, abstRefineArith = True }
debugAbstVeriOpts = defaultVeriOpts { abstRefineConfig = AbstRefineConfig True True }

extractCex :: VerifyResult -> Maybe (Expr End, SMTCex)
extractCex (Cex c) = Just c
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -496,7 +494,7 @@ reachable solvers e = do
(Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
pure (fst tres <> fst fres, subexpr)
leaf -> do
let query = assertProps False False pcs
let query = assertProps abstRefineDefault pcs
res <- checkSat solvers query
case res of
Sat _ -> pure ([query], Just leaf)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -562,7 +560,7 @@ verify solvers opts preState maybepost = do
_ -> True
assumes = preState.constraints
withQueries = canViolate <&> \leaf ->
(assertProps opts.abstRefineArith opts.abstRefineMem (PNeg (post preState leaf) : assumes <> extractProps leaf), leaf)
(assertProps opts.abstRefineConfig (PNeg (post preState leaf) : assumes <> extractProps leaf), leaf)
putStrLn $ "Checking for reachability of "
<> show (length withQueries)
<> " potential property violation(s)"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -674,7 +672,7 @@ equivalenceCheck' solvers branchesA branchesB opts = do
-- used or not
check :: UnsatCache -> (Set Prop) -> Int -> IO (EquivResult, Bool)
check knownUnsat props idx = do
let smt = assertProps opts.abstRefineArith opts.abstRefineMem (Set.toList props)
let smt = assertProps opts.abstRefineConfig (Set.toList props)
-- if debug is on, write the query to a file
let filename = "equiv-query-" <> show idx <> ".smt2"
when opts.debug $ TL.writeFile filename (formatSMT2 smt <> "\n\n(check-sat)")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -773,7 +771,7 @@ both' f (x, y) = (f x, f y)
produceModels :: SolverGroup -> Expr End -> IO [(Expr End, CheckSatResult)]
produceModels solvers expr = do
let flattened = flattenExpr expr
withQueries = fmap (\e -> ((assertProps False False) . extractProps $ e, e)) flattened
withQueries = fmap (\e -> ((assertProps abstRefineDefault) . extractProps $ e, e)) flattened
results <- flip mapConcurrently withQueries $ \(query, leaf) -> do
res <- checkSat solvers query
pure (res, leaf)
Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/EVM/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -620,6 +620,15 @@ data RuntimeConfig = RuntimeConfig
deriving (Show)

abstRefineDefault :: AbstRefineConfig
abstRefineDefault = AbstRefineConfig False False

data AbstRefineConfig = AbstRefineConfig
{ arith :: Bool
, mem :: Bool
deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | An entry in the VM's "call/create stack"
data Frame s = Frame
{ context :: FrameContext
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/test.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2727,7 +2727,7 @@ checkEquivBase mkprop l r = withSolvers Z3 1 (Just 1) $ \solvers -> do
putStrLn "skip"
pure True
else do
let smt = assertProps False False [mkprop l r]
let smt = assertProps abstRefineDefault [mkprop l r]
res <- checkSat solvers smt
print res
pure $ case res of
Expand Down

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