This gradle helper script is used in ETF projects to preconfigure Gradle based Java projects.
The following block must be inserted at the beginning of a build.gradle file:
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
credentials {
// Our repository requires authenticating
username 'ii-bda'
password 'AP7mb4WA6F1ckdZkaE8Qx8GSowt'
dependencies {
classpath group: 'de.interactive_instruments.bda', name: 'etf-bda', version: '[2.0.0,2.0.99]'
dependencies {
ant.unjar src: configurations.classpath.files.find {it.path.contains('etf')}, dest: 'build/gradle'
apply from: 'build/gradle/ii-bda.gradle'
Sets values in the manifest file, like the build version, current GIT revision, build date, etc.
Configures the ii maven repositories for getting dependencies or releasing an artifact (if the project version is suffixed with 'SNAPSHOT' -> snapshot repos will be used)
Configures checks and the formatting of the source code
Build the project like every other gradle project with:
$ gradlew build
The build will fail if format violations are found:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':spotlessJavaCheck'.
> Format violations were found. Run 'gradlew spotlessApply' to fix them.
These can be formatted by running:
$ gradlew spotlessApply
You need an interactive instruments account for accessing artifacts in the ii repo. Add your credentials in the ~/.gradle/ file:
[email protected]
An artifact can be released by running:
$ gradlew release
- Project directories must be GIT cloned or initialized otherwise an "unknown repository" error is reported
The following plugins are used:
- VersionEye has been removed in 1.0.26
- JDepend has been removed in 2.0.0