This repository contains a Unity Project that serves as a User Interface to move a mini robot and see from the robot's perspective via video. It does so by publishing Twist messages and listening to compressed images from an ESP32.
The repo does not include ESP32 code setup.
Requirements / What this works on (you're welcome to try other setups, I only know that this one works)
- Ubuntu 22.04
- ROS 2 Humble: Do all instructions up to and including
sudo apt install ros-humble-desktop
- Unity 2020.3.45f1: Use link if installing Unity on Ubuntu, use first answer
- Clone this project into its own folder :)
- Unity-ROS Bridge Github: Clone into the same folder, follow Setup
- Unity-ROS TCP Visualization: Add to Unity package manager (see Notes for instructions)
- Unity Joystick Pack: Add to Unity Package Manager (See Notes for guidance)
- MicroROS Humble: Follow "Building", skip any section headers with "firmware"
Hardware (Incomplete List)
- ESP32-CAM + Power Supply
- Tiny trash can
- Android Phone + USB Cord
- Motor Controller
- Mini Wheels
Helpful Links
- Build setup from Unity to Android
- Build one scene at a time depending on which interface is needed. Dark blue is trash robot, cyan is person robot.
- Build setup from Unity to Android
In Terminal
Open a window for MicroROS
- Code from "Building micro-ROS-Agent" of the MicroROS package (see above):
ros2 run micro_ros_setup ros2 run micro_ros_setup source install/ ros2 run micro_ros_agent micro_ros_agent udp4 --port 8888
Open a window for ROS2
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash source install/setup.bash hostname -I
Replace ROS_IP below w/ the local IP of the host machine, starts w/
ros2 run ros_tcp_endpoint default_server_endpoint --ros-args -p ROS_IP:=192.168.<> -p ROS_TCP_PORT:=11311
In Unity
- open Project and press the play button
- In the Heads-Up Display (HUD) located in the top left corner, change the left field's IP to the same IP as found above, following pattern . 11311 is the default port for ROS, only change if you specified it differently manually.
In the real world
- Power on the ESP32
You should see live video feed from the camera and be able to use the joysticks to control the motors :)
Specify number of robots in JoystickPointPublisher.cs and JoystickTwistPublisher.cs
Naming Conventions:
Interface Image Subscriber Twist/Point Publisher Minibot /person_bot_1/esp32_img/compressed /person_bot_1/cmd_vel MiniTrashBot /bot_1/esp32_img/compressed /bot_1/cmd_vel
- To specify the number of robots beforehand, change number of robots in joystick [twist/point] corresponding field.
- Future Directions
- Two devices publishing twists to the same robot crashes host. Implement a lock to ensure only one set of cameras and motors are connected to one device at a time.
- Left-dominant mode
- Script dropdown so adding robots is automated (currently have to manually add options to Unity dropdown)
- Attach twist publisher to point publisher to make only one variable control # of robots
- Make a button that toggles b/w person mode and trash bot mode
- Overarching structure
- use the same wifi, or else ROS and Unity cannot see each other
- ensure no docker containers are using the port for ROS
- can add source /opt/... to bashrc file to circumvent the need for that step.
- once one type of msg publishes to a topic, the topic will always expect that type of msg
- Cmake, msgs and topics: need to be declared in both Ros AND Unity
- suggestion to enable the above: make Github and clone once to each object
- Unity-ROS
- Unity
- Package Manager via Git URL: Window -> Package Manager -> Follow these official instructions
- Assets: Window -> Package Manager -> Packages: My Assets
- add them externally first via link
- import, should be ready for use after
- Enable "USB Debugging Mode" after enabling developer mode to install interface
- Input fields are "sticky", they retain input if you manually give input (whether through script or via Unity editor)