This is a sample app for node-webkit that calls a Native DLL.
node-webkit is a excellent framework for writing a cross platform GUI app. But there are some cases when you want to call a Native DLL.
You can use node-ffi to call Native DLLs from JavaScript. But the JS engine in node-webkit is V8 based and requires slightly different setup.
This is a minimum app showing how to call Native DLLs from JavaScript code in node-webkit.
- Based on skelton code generated by generator-node-webkit.
- Single set of source codes runs on Win/Mac and calls Native DLLs ( *.dylib, *.DLL )
- Different sources for DLLs on each platform, with same API.
I'm not clear about this, but node-webkit ( at least some version ) requires DLLs to be 32bit version.
So, in this document, I recomend 32bit version of node.js.
Install node.js 32bit version from Download page of .
Set NODE_PATH environmente variable.
$ export NODE_PATH=/usr/local/lib/node_modules
$ npm install -g ffi
$ npm install -g ref
Compile sample1.dll and test it with node.js cli.
$ git clone
$ cd nw_native_dll_sample
$ cd dlls/macosx
$ make
node ../test_sample.js
# If you see this message, the sample is working.
<Buffer@0x22591c0 05 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 6d 61 63 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>
{ sum: 5, difference: 1, platform: 'mac' }
You can see the sources at nw_native_dll_sample/dlls
Install node-webkit and grunt-cli
$ npm install -g nodewebkit grunt-cli nw-gyp
Install ffi
$ grunt shell:install_ref shell:install_ffi
This task will compile a native module for node-webkit by commands like this.
$ rm -rf ffi
$ npm install ffi
$ cd node_modules/ffi
$ nw-gyp rebuild --target=0.8.5'
Modules made by nw-gyp is not compatible with node.js. If you want to run the sample with node.js cli, you must remove node_modules/ffi and node_modules/ref.
Run the app $ nodewebkit app
You will see this.
The source is app/js/index.js
$ grunt dist-mac
You can copy dist/ to other machine and run it.
You need to install these products to run this app.
- Visual Studio 2013 express
- MinGW (Base, Msys and C++ Compiler)
- Python 2.7.X
- node.js 32bit version from Download page of .
$ git clone
$ cd nw_native_dll_sample
$ npm install ffi ref
$ cd nw_dll_sample/windows
$ make
<Buffer@0x2a2fb98 05 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 77 69 6e 64 6f 77 73 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>
{ sum: 5, difference: 1, platform: 'windows' }
$ npm install -g nodewebkit grunt-cli nw-gyp
$ grunt shell:install_ref shell:install_ffi
$ nodewebkit app
You will see this.
The source is app/js/index.js
(under construction)
Install node-webkit and yeoman generator
$ npm install -g nodewebkit yo generator-node-webkit
$ yo node-webkit
Then copy Gruntfile.js, app/js/index.js, dlls/* from this repository and modify them.