- This tool will be easy to use for the fellow tmux users,
The initial version of this project will ask you to run everything as root! This is bad practice but it's red-team oriented project.
People who do not like to type things over and over again in CLI applications might like this project.
There are solutions for this like pwntools and pwncat (and many more) that could automate things like i'm trying to do in this project. Those packages are quite complex to understand without the backend knowledge. (no pun intended)
In the scripts
folder are a few examples of how you can use the tmux spawner to spawn some tasks.
In the configuration write_cfg.py, you can change the config.
# This can be used to generate multiple sessions
unset $TMUX
git clone https://github.com/esp0xdeadbeef/dashboard.git
cd dashboard
# optional but recommended:
# python3 -m venv venv
# source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
terminal 1) open the dashboard
terminal 2) open the cli:
cd main
code example:
db.insert({'session_name': "MAIN", 'window_name': "tutorial", 'same_pane': True, 'send_enter':1, "pre_arg":"php -a", 'exec_script': 'PHP_code_with_errors', 'args': ['\nexit']})
This will make a session MAIN;
creates a window or tab in tmux with the name tutorial.
The first same pane doesn't matter if true or false, but second command will run in the same pane or not. depending on this variable.
"pre_arg":"php -a" will be executed before the exec_script and is unfilterd, so watch the syntax of tmux. there will be an enter appended (\n)
"exec_script" will run the latest version inside the script folder. important, you should add version numbering behind the file (filename_XXXX) whereby the XXXX are integers from 0000-9999. (this might be patched after a while)
"args" array will put the args behind the exec script.