Raspberry Pi + Arduino + elbow grease = T.O.W.B.O.T.: The Obviously Worked-on Bot Of 'Taters (working title)
The Towbots are a group of three robots designed to follow vision targets with a camera, while at the same time carrying a dead load (hence "tow" bots.) The Towbots are explicitly intended to be able to follow one another, or to follow anyone or anything that is holding a suitable vision target within the Towbot's field of view.
This is an extracurricular project that will help to sharpen the programming skills of the P.O.T.A.T.O.E.S. team while hopefully being fun to work on.
- First, install OpenCV. How you do that will vary from platform to platform, but here's how it's done on Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev libopencv-contrib-dev
- Install this project's local Python dependency packages. pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt